20 ways a sunburn hurt to your overall health

After the redness disappear and the coat stops, the real problems begin.

Although thesummer 2020 Is proven to be not like the previous years, the coronavirus pandemic has probably not kept inside completely closed during the months of hot weather. And as long as you take all recommended security measures, it is probably a good idea to get some fresh air after months in cellular isolation. However, while your accent can be put onWear your mask properly, Keeping the distance, andwash one's handsDo not forget the sunscreen when heading in yourself the heat everything, but some to finish with a naughty burn.

Indeed, sunburn can lead to obvious damage, such as skin and coat, in extreme cases of,melanomaBut did you know that they can also cause visual inflammation? Or books-at-a-time bloating? Or serious urticaria epidemics? Yes, a sunburn is more than just an inconvenience, it is a serious health problem. To keep you informed, we have rounded the twenty insidious side effects. Continue reading to see why you never want to forget the SPF50 again. And to find out how the sunlight affects Covid-19, consultIt's the time it takes for the killing coronavirus sun, say scientists.

It causes leading headaches.

asian man wearing a mask has a headache

If you already suffer fromHeadache or migraines, Then overexposure to the sun is likely to make things worse. And even if you are not with the pain inflicted sustaining migraine on a regular basis, the dazzling of the sun and the poisoning of the sun areknown to cause headaches in all types of people. Fortunately, the sun is notallWrong. In fact, the sun can be your ultimate weapon of weight loss. And how all this relates to the current health crisis, seeHow to know if your headache is actually coronavirus.

He can swell the tongue.

Doctor Examining a Patient's Mouth Tongue Health

The lips are made of the skin, so naturally, they can also sunburn. And when this sunburn is serious, it can lead toswelling of the tongue, The formation of ampoules, anddifficulty breathing. Fortunately, several brands make lip baumes with SPF protection, so we can keep our lips healthy (and hydrated) throughout the season. And for health lets you guess your language can try to send you, consultWhat your language could tell you about your cardiac health.

He agites your skin.

woman putting on lotion

Women and men spend hours like for a week looking for the ultus ultraanti-aging Cure, but little stop taking into account the long-term effects of the sun on their skin.When we have burned by the sun, We suffer cells called fibroblasts that produce collagen, leaving our skin defense against wrinkles and other damage.

It makes you itching beyond relief.

closeup of man itching hands

In rare cases, a bad sunburn can lead to an author described as an "disabling, itching of inducing madness. "I was bike at the office house when it's itchy started,"Tristin Hopper written in thenational post. "With the urgency of a man covered by tickets, I ran to my building as quickly as possible. Shake the distress and now capable of shouting an incessant flow of swears, without anyone calling the police, I sailed my clothes and jumped into an ice shower. That too, only worse things ".

It can trigger psoriasis.

Scaly patch psoriasis

Current studies estimate that more than8 million Americans live with psoriasis, An autoimmune disease that causes itchy spots, thickened skin to grow. Although doctors do not know what causes psoriasis to grow in each case, one of the known triggers is you guessed it a bad sunburn. And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

And other self-immune diseases aggravate.

Doctor checking on patient's weak knee muscle

myositisA self-immune disease that weakens the muscles. According to a study conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, women who have developed myositis while being exposed to high levels of UV rays were more likely to develop an even worst form of known disease under The name dermatomyosite, which causes painful skin rashes in addition to muscle weakness.

He destroys your immune system.

Woman on couch blowing nose sick at home

When the skin is burned by the sun, the body feed of Langerhan cells is erased. These immune cells are the first line of defense against infections that infiltrate the skin; Without them, our body is more vulnerable to the disease. And it's not just the area burned by the sun that is affected:Studies show that the immune response in the body is altered when the skin is burned. And for a way to increase your defense line against viruses like COVID-19, seeThis surprising thing makes your immune system 50 percent stronger.

It causes buttons of fever to grow.

young woman with cold sore looking in mirror at home

If you suffer from herpes viruses, sitting outside without sunscreen is a very bad idea. as theWorld Health Organization (WHO) Reports, overexposure to the sun weakens the immune system and in turn causes the virus to act. A study revealed that when 38 herpes patients came out without sunscreen, 27 developed fever buttons; When they put a sunscreen, not only one had a flair. You do the calculation.

It makes you bloated

woman bloated experiencing bloating problems, health questions after 40

The sunburn cause an inflammatory response that indicate the body to be held in the fluid. This retention of water can become so severe thatA woman reported 7 pounds of a sun sun.

It hurts your eyes.

Tired young man rubbing his eyes in front of a computer

Just like all the other parts of your body, your eyes are vulnerable to the damaged UV rays of the sun. But the eyes are particularly in danger, since it is almost impossible toProtect them with a traditional solar screen. If you are not careful, you may find yourself with photokervatite or photoconjunctivitis. Although reversible, these inflammatory conditions are extremely painful and are not fun flashing.

This leads to flu symptoms.

nauseous woman vomiting over sink

As if the burn pain is not enough,Medical News Today Reports that other sunburn symptoms include fever, chills, fatigue and nausea and vomiting - the same symptoms you will find with the flu season.

It triggers lupus shoots.

Overweight woman touching pain in leg

Approximately1.5 million people in the United States suffer from lupusAn autoimmune disease that invites the body to attack healthy tissues. The disease can become dormant, but in a way that people with lupus can cause symptoms to get a sunburn. "The sunlight can trigger a skin rash of lupus and can also trigger symptoms of articular pain and fatigue,"Amita Bishhnoi, MD, saysDaily health.

This causes breathing problems.

woman alone in house at night has hand on chest as she struggles to breath

Feeling out of breath is something of an accomplishment after a long workout, but it's not something you hope after the pool by the pool. One of the side effects not so funs of the heat stroke is a quick and shallow breathing; Should you experience heat,MAYO Clinic Advises the search for immediate medical treatment.

He dehydrates you.

Older woman drinking water

The tanning skin draws fluid on the surface and pumped it from the rest of the body, according to theFoundation of skin cancer. This lack of liquid drives you dehydrated, which can in turn lead to vertigo and muscle fatigue.

This can stop you.

girl laying in bed with her legs out, every day words

Last summer, the history of horrible sunburn of a runnerbecome viral After that left her with blisters from top to bottom of her legs. "The healing process has been painful - the combustion and thrilling that the bulbs filled was a horrible experience," British residentJulie NisbetRecountBuzzfeedat the time. "The pressure in my legs when the standing / walking position also agonized sometimes." Not only did the blisters left her stepped and motionless, but doctors had also warned that second-degree burns could lead to infections on the road if it did not pay attention. Yikes.

It causes hives.

man scratching arm

People who take medicine like tetracyclines or even some birth checks can go home with a day at the beach and notice that they are distinguished in hives. Thisphenomenon, called solar urticariaNormally lasts normally for more than 24 hours, but it's painful and not aesthetically nice, especially during the shorts season.

This makes your acne worse.

Woman checking her skin in the mirror
iStock / Manipulations

Overexposure to the sun dries the skin - and for people with acne, this is just a bad problem worse. Even if you do not treat chronic acne, a bad battle can increase the production of body sebum, which promotes rashes.

This affects fertility.

woman holding a pregnancy test up close

Too much time in the sun can hurt the chances of a woman to get pregnant. It's becauseto study published in theJournal of photochemistry and photobiology I found that too much sun leads to low-average folic acid levels, which have been linked to neural tube defects and miscarriage.

It puts a pregnancy at risk.

Pregnant woman holds face in hands while sitting against blue backdrop, husband left while pregnant

With a baked bread, a woman must be careful not to do anything that could hurt the baby. Of course, every mother knows not to smoke and drink during pregnancy, but even something as simple as having a sunburn can potentially lead to birth defects, with premature labor defects , or even a miscarriage, asUrgent care of doctors WARNING.

This can lead to a stroke.

Man having a stroke

No doubt one of the most important organs of the body, the heart must be protected at all costs. Unfortunately, too much sun exposure means abnormally high levels of vitamin D, whichscientific are linked to a stroke or heart attack in the line.

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