How to make the super soft air fryer VEGGIE CALZONES

Giving a pizza pulp purchased in the store the air fryer treatment guarantees crisp Calzones-on-the-out of the scenes and soft.

LovePizza Night, but I want to change it? Thosedeep fryer The Calzones take all the fun pizza trim and attach them to a crispy and delicious package. With the help ofPizza paste bought in store (Find it in the grocery bakery section or ask your local pizza seal if they can sell you a few), you can simply focus on the delicious fillings.

The moving air of a fryer of air is outside every beautifully crispy, but mellow pocket inside. No dry calzones here!

Pro Council: For best results, make sure you do not fill the Calzones too much and that the edges are closed or removed a leak.

Serves 4


2 c. Tea of ​​extra virgin olive oil
1/4 white onion cut into dice
3 cups of baby spinach leaves
Salt and pepper
2-3 big pieces of roasted red pepper, sliced
Fresh basil, chopped
1 LB whole wheat or ordinary pizza dough
1/2 cup sauce sauce, more to serve
2/3 cup mozzarella cheese skimmed by hand
1 large egg

How to do it

  1. In a large saucepan over medium heat, heat olive oil and onion. Cook for 5 minutes until the onions are fragrant and translucent. Add chopped baby spinach and cook, stirring from time to time for 3 to 5 minutes until spinach are faded. Season with salt and pepper. Mix in red peppers and basil and transfer in a small bowl.
  2. Divide the pizza dough into 8 pieces and rolling each in a small round, about 1/4 inch thick or less. Fill the center of each turn with a spoonful of Marinara, vegetables and some pieces of Mozzarella. Fold the round in two, crimped the edges with a fork so that they are closed and a half-moon shape is formed.
  3. Whisk the egg in a small bowl and brush on each Calzone.
  4. Define the air fryer on 370 ° F and place the calzones in the fryer basket in a single layer, in battery operation if necessary. Fry about 10 minutes, returning halfway. Calzones are made when golden browns. Serve with an extra sauce sauce.

RELATED: These are the easiest home recipes that can help you lose weight.

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