A turkey meat that you really appreciate

You may have thought that you would not eat it anymore, but this version will change your mind in a bite.

Among the comforts of all comforting foods, a well-made meat offers a warm and chicken goodness that we all believe. The key to the excellentMeatloaf is triple: a well seasoned base, generous icing and a neat cuisine. We realize that some people can still wear scars of dry breads of their childhood, but a creation like ours banned them with a single bite of this turkey meat recipe.

Nutrition:290 calories, 11 g of grease (3 g saturated), 920 mg of sodium

Serves 4

You will need

For Turkey Meatloaf:

1 small onion, peeled and quarters
1/2 red pepper of the red and trimmic bell
1 small carrot, peeled and chopped roughly
2 garlic cloves, peeled
1 1/2 LB Turkey
1/2 cup bread breadcrumb
1/4 cup of low sodium chicken broth
1 egg, beaten
1 tablespoon Worcestershire
1 tablespoon of low soy soybeans
1/2 c. Dried thyme tea
1/2 c.
1/2 c. Trette pepper black

For icing:

1/2 cup of ketchup
2 c. Soup brown sugar
2 tablespoons of low soy soybeans
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

How to do it

  1. Preheat the oven to 325 ° F.
  2. Combine onion, pepper, carrot and garlic in a culinary robot and a pulse up to finely minced. (If you do not have a food transformer, you can do it by hand.)
  3. Combine vegetables with turkey, bread crumbs, stock, egg, workershire, soy sauce, thyme and salt and black pepper in a large mixing bowl.
  4. Mix gently until all the ingredients are distributed evenly.
  5. Discharge the meat mixture in a cooking dish of 13 "x 9" and use your hands to form a bread about 9 "long and 6" wide.
  6. Mix the ingredients of the glacance together and distributed on meat meat.
  7. Cook for 1 hour until the glaze has turned a red shade and a instant reading thermometer inserted into the center of the bread registers 160 ° F.


There are more than a few ways to reinvent meat flesh the next day (surmounted by afried egg, covered with peppers and jumped onions), but for our money, the best bet is always a thick meat meat sandwich. Sauté gently onions until it is well caramelized while warming the meat in an oven of 325 ° F with a thin slice of glutte glue and serve all on a toast. It's worth doing this recipe for the sandwich alone.

RELATED: Theeasy way to make comfortable foods healthier.

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