Thai Chicken Marinade Gai Tod Tod

This marinade works for everything you want to grill this summer!

Ready for a wing recipe that will spice up your life? This recipe for Thai chicken marinade is made by Shayn Prapaaisilp, the owner ofChao Baan Thai Restaurant in St. Louis. Even if this recipe teaches you to frychicken wings After sitting in the marinade, Prapaaisilp says this marinade "is an option with flavor for cooking,grilling, or meats and frying vegetables at home. "So do not hesitate to use this marinade on everything you want to grill this summer!

"The marinade is a mix of four essential flavors of Thai cuisine: sweet, acid, salty and spicy," says Prapaisilp. "The Chao Baan menu has been developed with regional dishes directly from my family cuisine in the northeastern and southern regions of Thailand. When you talk about musical starters, Gai Tod is the one who represents the region of the region of South Thailand incredibly well. "

So here is this delicious Thai chicken marinade, and if you feel it, fry these chickens using a rice flour when the marining process is finished.


1 chicken book
1 tablespoon of dried coriander seeds
1 tablespoon white pepper (replacing the black pepper if white pepper is not available)
4 cloves of garlic
3 c.Thai Soy Soy Sauce Golden Mountain
1 C. Black Thai Soy Safe Sauce Tea
1/4 c.
1/4 cup of water
Rice flour

How to do it

  1. Book the dry ingredients (dried coriander seeds, black pepper, white pepper and garlic cloves) with a mortar and a pestle until they turn into a dough. You can also use a culinary robot for a quick marinade of 2 minutes.
  2. Add wet ingredients (Thai soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt and water) to the dough and mix. Pour the sauce to the marinade on the chicken wings and let yourself be rest (covered) for a few hours, ideally during the night.
  3. Finely slicing 4 shallots and deep fries until golden and crisp. The shallots will serve as a garnish for your chicken. Remove the chicken wings from the marinade, drag with rice flour and fry 4-6 minutes to brown and crisp. Serve with sticky rice and a sweet Thai chili sauce to soak.

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