It is possible to raise healthy children without avoiding McDonald's. Here we tell you how!

More than 30% of young people in our country are overweight or obese and many believefast food is to blame - or at least contribute to the problem.

Although some quick restoration menu items are actually nutritional demons, in recent years, gold arches and other burger institutions have tried to clean their act by adding healthier articles like salads, fruits and low fat milk and yogurt to their menus. While McDonald's should not be your destination for your dinner, thanks to these recent changes, you can now bring your children toMcDonalds Without guilt the next time you are in a pinch and you have to eat on the move. I do not know what the best choices are for your mini-me? No problem! We are registered with a group of experts plans to exhaust the choices approved by children.

When you have breakfast breakfast on the race:

"Oatmeal of fruits and maple with a milk oryogurt On the side is a healthy breakfast for children. Oats is packaged with fully whole grains and has a copious combination of protein and fiber, which provides sustainable energy. "-Gina Conalvo, MA, RD, LDN, PennsylvaniaEating well with Gina

When your little one wants a snack:

"Every time, moms need a break from the kitchen or car with their children when golden arches invoke golden arches. With only 150 calories and 4 grams of protein, the fruit 'N Perfect yogurt is a magnificent snack for both children and moms. California clementine cuties are anotherHealthy snack to take."-Christine M. Palumbo, MBA, RDN, Fand, Consultant in Dietician Communication and Chicago Nutrition.

"For young children who are hard to eat meat, a large protein snack is non-fatChocolate milk. With 9 grams of protein and 23 grams of carbohydrates, this snack can really deny children before their next meal. Calcium is just an added bonus. "- Jim White Rd, ACSM HFS, owner ofJim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios

When looking to serve children a smart lunch:

"Mickey D, these are portions. For a smartbreakfastI received my children a burger or a grilled chicken sandwich with one side of apple slices or a clementine. An order of child size fries and a bottle of water is a good way to complete the meal. "- Amy Shapiro MS, Rd, CDN, founder ofREAL NUTRITION NYC

"One of the gamped chicken snack wraps with a side salad or apple fries made for a good child meal. The snack wraps are a suitable service size for small and products increases the content in Vitamin and the fiber of the meal. In addition, lunch does not have the unhealthy fats found in fried food. "-Lauren Minchen Mph, rdn, cdn, dietitian and a nutritionist inscribed in New York

When your kids want something fried:

"When you are deployed, it is always possible for your child to have a balanced meal. Order your small McNuggets chicken with four pieces McNuggets with apple slices and a yoplait Go-Gurt. The meal is filled with protein, from fruits and dairy, all of which are important nutrients for growthkids. "- Gina Conalvo, Ma, Rd, LDN, owner based on Pennsylvania ofEating well with Gina

When you need to serve children a decent dinner:

"When it comes to meals in McDonald's, it's best to choose and choose your battles. A regular hamburger, fries of 100-calorie children and a yoplais Go-Gurt is an authorized dietary meal, but happy and adapted to children. With a lot of protein in the hamburger to help the development and growth of children, withcalcium-Rich yogurt for the construction of strong bone, mom can order this without guilt, knowing that she gives her children a fast nutrition she will always enjoy. "- Lisa Moskovitz, R.D., founder ofNY NUTRITION Group

When you're stuck on the road:

"When I'm on a trip to the road with my kids, we will stop at McDonald sometimes. They like to have the snack of honey mustard with grilled chicken with a water and a small order of fries. I can not have the Deny fries, especially when I have to be in the car with them for a few hours a few hours! The meal between 370 calories and I usually have fruits or cut vegetables in the car to complete their meals. " - TOBER AMIDOR , Mrs., Rd Nutrition Expert and author of Greek Yogurt Cuisine: More than 130 healthy and delicious recipes for every meal of the day

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