The pussin-a diet has arrived

"Chicken Nuggets every three to four hours." Is it real?

When you are looking to lose weight and think about how to start a new diet filled with best-for-you food, the first thing that comes to mind is usually not a quick restoration. However, with a healthy life more and more popular every day, even fast food joints try to jump on the band train to have these friendly options.

Chick-thumb is recommending that a diet composed of their grilled chicken nuggets consumed regularly is the way to live in better health. Recently, this rapid restoration articulation has made strong attempts (and especially successful) to increase their health call and add good alternatives to the menu ... but have they went too far?

Like their latest takeaway bags, "Launch the New Year by adding a healthy habit to your routine. Here is a good meal: Eating smaller meals (as a pack of 8 grilled nuggets) every three to four hours . "

While their grilled nuggets are a healthier option of only 140 calories and 1 gram of sugar in an 8-counting pack, the list of ingredients and 530 mg sodium do not exactly make a "healthier habit" (especially all three at four hours a day). If we really had to takeChick-a On their last idea, they would get a ton of sodium and protein in their body and collapse necessary nutrients such as vitamins, fibers, healthy fat and antioxidants. Although low calories can use some, it's not a way to eat a healthy balanced diet and will not help you lose weight.

There are many other options, even on their menu, which will make you that these nutrients, your body really needs to stay healthy. For snacks, you should turn around three to four hours, check40 ideas of healthy snacks to keep you thin.

Categories: Restaurants
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