You will not believe how the Krispy Krempy Kreme Reese donut is fattening

Krispy Kreme Donuts and Reese peanut butter cups look like a match made in heaven - but nutrients are sinners.

Restoration companies always try to create their game in creative food combo:Pop-Pied Pies and Jolly Ranchers, Oreos and Swedish fish, Starbucks Frappuccino and red velvet cake. But Krispy Kreme has just taken the cake (literally) when he announced his last mashup of the decadent food: a peanut butter donut Reese.

Krispy Kreme described that the donut is "filled with a kreme trim with reese peanut butter, soaked in chocolate icing and garnished with a chocolate and peanut butter and mini peanut butter chips and peanuts. " This looks more like a decadent dessert than a smart way to start your day; It's certainly not one of our37 Best breakfast foods for weight loss.

Of course, it sounds like a cheating treatment. But just how much cheat are we talking about? We checked the nutrients to get the bottom of the amount of low belly sugar and empty calories you will consume. And trust yourself - it's a lot.

Krispy Kreme Reese Donut: Nutrients

A Reese donut will put you back 400 calories, 24 grams of fat (9 saturated grams), 200 milligrams of sodium, 42 grams of carbohydrates (2 grams of fibers, 21 grams of sugar) and 7 grams of protein. It's almost half of your saturated fat intake for the day. And not only the nutritional information is shocking, but the ingredients are not much better. It is not only done with tons of sugar; The Reese donut includes palm oil, which increases your LDL cholesterol, mono and diglycerides (bad), which constitute a form of trans fat and inflammatory hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Compare it to an original Krispy Kreme Kreme enamelled donut, which horizons at 190 calories, 11 grams of fat (5 saturated grams), 85 milligrams of sodium, 22 grams of carbohydrates (less than 1 gram of fibers, 10 grams of sugar) , and 3 grams of protein. So, if you want a donut, you'd better eat an original enamel.

The Reese donut is available on Krispy Kreme from August 4th only for a limited time. So, if you are ready to make madness, make sure you get it while you can. And if you can limit yourself to a half-donut, even better. After all, having so many carbohydrates and sugar the first thing in the morning is one of theWorst breakfast habits for your size.

Categories: Restaurants
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