Restaurant chains will cost you more calories than fast food

McDonald does not look so bad, based on two new studies.

Fast restoration is often nicknamed the most misleading food there. Some of the meals and accompanying dishes of fast service restaurants can cost you the equivalent of a value of calories, sodium, grease and cholesterol. However, two studies - a basis of a U.K. based on the United States and another state-state have recently brought another truth to light: popularRestaurant chains often serve entries that cost youeven more calories and saturated grease.

So, how did these studies work?

The first study called(On) eat a major restaurant chain U.K.-Analyzed calories in nearly 13,400 entries served from 27 U.K. Restaurant Channels. Among the restaurants analyzed, 21 were comprehensive services, while the remaining six were fast food. The goal of researchers was to discover the caloric consumption of each meal. They sought to deduct the proportion of meals that meet the daily recommendation of public health (less than 600 calories) and the proportion that exceeds it (more than 1,000 calories).

The other study-calledMeasured energy content of frequently purchased food meals-Was led by the United States, but measured calories measured in the most frequently ordered meals in 116 restaurants among five countries: Brazil, China, Finland, Ghana and India. The researchers took these calorie accounts and compared them to these restaurant chains in theUnited States.

And what did they find?

The averagecaloric content Among the meals of the U.K restaurant. was 977. The percentage of dishes that responded to the public health recommendations was 9%, while 47% were excessive energy. In fact, compared to fast food restaurants, full-service restaurant entries were more excessively caloric and fewer main courses faced by public health recommendations.

With regard to the study of five countries in the United States, the calorie counts in the restaurants of the restaurant chain in Brazil, Finland, Ghana and India, has proved more calories than those of the United States. United Kingdoms in China were the only ones to fall significantly below US numbers - the main meal served in full-service restaurants in China had 1,045 calories, while the average American restaurants has 1,362 calories. China has also fallen below the United food Calories also: 561 vs. 969.

The international study has shown that the average main meal served in fast food chains amounted to 809 calories, compared to 1,317 calories for those served in full-service restaurants. These figures are similar to what the study UK that the study was also found - the main meal of the rapid catering chain of UK had 751 calories, compared to 1 033 on average for an entrance in a complete UK restaurant Restaurant.

So, McDonald is it better for you than the cheese factory?

The two studies revealed thatFast Food contained on average one-third less calories than the main meals in full-service restaurants. A small number of meals analyzed around the world fills the daily recommendation, while 94% of full-service dishes and 72% of Fast Food dishes have exceeded the limit. In conclusion, the two studies have confirmed that meals served in popular assisted catering chains (Worldwide) cost you more calories and are worse for your health than to swing through a reader. Of course, everything depends on what you order and how much you eat, because the quantities of restaurants are typically much more important than fast food meals. And for healthier options in fast food chains, see20 Surprisingly Healthy Fast Restoration Controls.

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