6 commands approved by the food expertise in Wendy's

In addition to children's approved choices like givies, Wendy's has a lot for a healthy adult to love on the menu.

Famous redheads over the years are known for many things, but a healthy diet does not seem to be one of them.

There was the chocolate-loving Lucy, Lizzie Borden (we just did not go) and Emma Stone, who is constantly the subject oftoo thin Claims in the media. And then there is Wendy. But she gets a bad rap (Alond with her peers likeMcDonalds) Although it is easy to associate with children approved by children such as mats and givies, there is a lot for a healthy adult to love on the menu. Here, five nutritionists about what they like to eat - or what they would order - when a quick stop at the Redhead Restaurant is necessary. Follow their lead!

Grilled chicken sandwich

"I would go for the grilled chicken sandwich. Only 370 calories and 34 grams of protein, he filled up decently, and the fresh vegetables on top add a little healthy. Mustard dressing makes him surprisingly tasty ! "- -Jennifer Neily, MS, RDN, LD, ADF,NEILY ON NUTRITION

Grilled chicken wrapping and lateral salad

"We love the grilled chicken envelope with extra lettuce, tomato, red onion and ranch non-vinaigrette, with a garden salad. This meal packages in vegetables and chicken proteins. It is satisfactory - with a scale of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fiber-but do not make us feel badly weighed if we areEat this on a trip on the road (Or even if you are not and you just want to be energetic for the rest of your day!) "- -Willow Jarosh, Mrs., Rd and Stephanie Clarke, MS, R & D, Co-owners ofC & J Nutrition and co-authors of the next book,The healthy cookbook in good pregnancy

"I was probably the grilled chicken envelope (honey or mayo mustard on the side, and I would use little of) and a garden salad with tomatoes and a cucumber-César vinaigrette on the side. I plunged my fork. In the vinaigrette to use it with parsimony. The meal provides chicken, calcium proteins (and a few more protein) from cheddar cheese, fat for flavor in the Mayo and the Caesar Vinaigrette and a Always important fiber and vegetable phytochemicals such as lettuce, tomato and cucumber. "- -Elisa ZIÉ, MS, RDN, CDN, Authorized Dietidian Nutritionist and author of Younger week the week

Baked potato and chili

"The oven potato with broccoli and the sour cream of reduced fat (we will skip the cheese sauce) and a small rich and carnal Chile is one of the most nutritious fast food meals we met. The apple of earth in this meal offers an excellent source of potassium, which helps balance some sodium in Chile. It can be difficult to get less refined carbohydrates in fast food restaurants and a baked potato is a great way. To do it. Chile provides a good source of protein as well as fibers - another nutrient that tends to be difficult to come in meals at fast food. The meal has a balance between high fiber carbohydrates, proteins , grease and vegetables, which is important to make it satisfactory and a total of 500 calories with only 8.5 grams of fat. "- -Jarosh and Clarke


"We would grab a junior (children's size) frosty like a treat in addition to a healthier menu item. It would not necessarily be our choice" healthy "... but it would be a balance of treatment and a healthier choice. " -Jarosh and Clarke

Chile and fries

"My order at Wendy would be a small rich and carnal chili and natural cutting fries for children. In this way, my total meal would only be 390 calories and would provide 7 grams of fibers, 18 grams of protein and less than 5 grams saturated saturated Fat. Considering that I can enjoy fries, I'm happy with these numbers! "-Keri Gans, RDN, author of The little change of change

Junior Hamburger and Side Salad

"We were going to go to a junior hamburger with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle, mustard or ketchup, as well as a garden salad with a grenade vinaigrette and spicy tickets and apple slices, all in total in 460 calories. We love it meal because it's always a hamburger, but add salad and apples around nutrition, providingMore fibers And a lower sodium meal than most fast food meals. "- Jarosh and Clarke

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