Heads things are no longer allowed to do

The food industry could no longer be the same in a post-coronavirus world.

With statesGeorgia andTexas Reopen their stores and restaurants for service, there is a lot of decision-making on how the world of restoration should proceed Covid-19 after. (If you want a little glimpse, make sure to see onHow post-lockdown restaurants will look like.)

Texas has published a standard health protocolcontrol List For restaurants and how they can apply these guidelines to ensure the safety of their customers and workers. As restaurants across the country are beginning to reopen, these essential workers who are willing to return to work must now learn new procedures. It is very clear that dinner outside will not be the same for a while. The experience of a customer will be different, likewaiters Will have to wear gloves at any time, including when handling your food dishes and invoices, and even leaders will have to comply with new guidelines.

Here are some changes that leaders will have to follow in order to keep clean restaurants and customers safely. And to keep you informed,Register for our newsletter to receive the latest news from coronavirus food delivered.


Chefs will not be able to cook without mask.

Chef cooking with a mask

After Governor Kempexecutive order On stores and restaurants to reopen, a series of management orders describing restaurant and catering serviceguidelines have been issued. One of the guidelines stipulates that "all employees wear face coatings at any time. These coatings must be cleaned or replaced every day. This includes chefs, servers, barmen and cleaning staff.

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They will not be able to have staff.

Chefs cooking together

These news might not be the best for workers in the catering sector. One of the Georgiaguidelines Is that restaurants must limit, "the number of customers to more than 10 per 500 square feet. The chefs and owners who own a restaurant can not allow a number of customers in their establishment. The possibility of not needing to hire their staff every time is strong. The small restaurants are at the edge of the closure, and other great restaurants in the chain are in a financial crisis. Saving money is a priority, and if it means eliminating the staff of a leader by much to gain more or to be able to follow social distancing instructions, it is very possible.

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They will not be able to serve as a food buffet.

variety food buffet

Restaurants like Golden Corral, which serve as a buffet food style and salad bars, can no longer be allowed to do so for now. Another governor of KEMPguidelines is to "cease the use of salad and buffet bars. The leaders will no longer be able to cook buffet style dishes and restaurants will have to withdraw and re-evaluate their menus for a predictable future.


They will not be able to work tools.

kitchen tools

The administration of safety and health at work publishedprocedures that all workplaces must do to reduce the risk of coronavirus propagation. In order to prevent people from getting sick, restaurants are "discouraging workers from using other worker phones, a desk or other work tools and equipment. By implementing this directive for all restaurants, chefs will have to use their own work tools and equipment. It is very likely that each cook will have to invest and keep their own own tools from now on to work.

Like any other professional, the chefs will have to learn and abibate with new protocols to keep their restaurant and industry alive. To learn more about other changes in the catering industry, here's10 Changes restaurateurs envisage the.

Eat this, not that!Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answer Your most urgent questions ) here are the precautions You should take the grocery store, the food you should have by hand, the Meal delivery services and Restaurant chains offering an imprint You must know and the means to help you support those who need . We will continue to update these new information that develops. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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