21 errors that put your health in danger when reopening

As states relax from social distancing measures, here is how to stay safe.

Our cities reassociate after a long insulation insulation to prevent the spread of Covid-19, but be ready to facilitate the maintenance safely and healthy, once your local administration gives OK. Discover these 20 things you should never do when your city reopens so that you can safely transmit standardization.


Do not assume that you can go everywhere

Couple with face mask stuck in airport terminal

State authorities can lift phase restrictions so that you can not be as free as you think at the beginning. Pay attention to your region's specific guidelines. Your governor or local authority may announce that certain restrictions are no longer in place, such as homeworking orders or travel bans.

RX: Read your local news daily, and you should always follow the social distancing guidelines, wear a face covering and wash your hands regularly.


Does not go anywhere without these 3 articles

Medical surgical masks, tissue paper and alcohol sanitizer hand gel for cleaning and protecting corona virus.

"According to the CDC," a face in cloth covering, a hand disinfeitor that is made with at least 60% alcohol and tissues are essential elements to bring, "Fox News Reports". The recommendations of the CDC on fabric coatings comply with what it recommended for months. In April, the CDC updated its guidelines to recommend all Americans wear fabric coatings while in public, particularly in major community-based transmission areas. "

RX: Use the tissues to touch or separately open door handles.


Do not stop washing your hands

scrubbing soapy hand against washbasin

Wash your hands frequently eliminate germs, bacteria and microbes that can cause a disease. If you manipulate eating food, I went to the bathroom, or know that you were in a situation that might have exposed to germs, it is important to wash your hands completely to avoid spreading this bacterium.

RX: According toDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)Even before the coronavirus, you should always wash your hands before and after:

  • Prepare food.
  • Take care of someone who is sick.
  • Go to the bathroom.
  • Treat a wound.

In addition, wash your hands after blowing your nose, touch potentially infected objects in a public place and after touching animals or garbage. Use running water and soap and carefully eat your hands for at least 20 seconds before rinsing.


Do not assume that the virus is gone

Social distancing rules in practice, alternate seating in local public food courts

The restrictions can be lifted and many cities have reopened before the coronavirus is completely left. When local areas begin to present a decreasing number of infection over a given period, local authorities can begin to expire home or quarantine stay orders. But does not mean that we are clear.

Although no one is certain of how long this virus will attach, according toVirginia Pitzer, SCD, Yale School of Public Health Professor, "We may have a cycle of periodic social distancing measures until it is possible to develop and produce a vaccine, which experts say will be 12 to 18 months, or We can find effective ways to treat Covid-19. "

RX: Although some restrictions could have been raised in your community, it is important to continue paying attention to these regulations and the latest orders of your local authorities. Social distancing guidelines can always be in place and orders to stay at home can be applied at any time. Cooperate with these orders is the best way to help prevent the spread of the virus so that we can all come back to our daily lives.


Do not spend a lot of money

woman in a clothing store in a medical mask because of a coronovirus

With many closed retail stores, the first thing you may want to do when restrictions are up is at the mall. It's easy to get after you have access to purchases in person. But it will take a lot of time to the recovery of the economy.

It is important to keep an eye on your finances and maintain your financial health because it can directly affect your physical health. An American psychological association (Apa) The survey discovered that "almost 1 out of 5 Americans say they were considered to jump (9%) or jumped (12%) to be a doctor when they needed health care because of concern. financial. "

RX: Although you want to buy everything you dreamed in recent months, when shops are re-opening, first consider your budget. Do not allow yourself to not financially secure to buy non-essential items. Consider buying an indulgent element a month to make sure you stay financially stable.


Do not let your use of sleep point out of rancor

Woman Turning Off Alarm While Sleeping On Bed

With a lot of time on your hands, your stay at home can have benefited from sleeping enough sleep and maintaining a suitable sleep schedule. When restrictions are lifted, spend time with friends, shop freely and other time consuming activities can be closer to the top of your list than to be in bed within 10 hours.

But it's important to keep your sleep schedule so you can stay healthy. On ato studyreviewed by national health institutes (NIH), "an irregular sleep model can be a novel and independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and maintaining regular sleep patterns could help prevent heart disease. Like physical activity, healthy diet, and other ways of life make. "

RX: Even when your schedule becomes more social, try going to bed and wake up at the same time every day. According toNational Sleep Foundation, Adults should have seven to nine hours of sleep per night to work properly and reap health benefits.


Do not occur too much

Woman Suffering a Stomachache after Eating in a Restaurant

Once the restaurants are open for seated meals, it may be tempting to order each combo TaCo meal at your favorite Mexican seal. But oversize in heavy foods can result in weight gain and can spoil the functionality of your body in many ways that are not always obvious.

According toMD Anderson Cancer Center, Too much eating slows your digestive process, allowing you to pass and allow your expanded stomach to push uncomfortably against other organs. It also confuses your circadian clock, which negatively affects your sleep schedule and your digestive calendar of your body. In addition, "Top-meal consumption can result in unwanted weight gain and excess weight transportation can increase your risk of cancer."

RX: Once the locking restrictions are lifted, you may want to visit all the restaurants in the city for each meal. But it is important to allow you only to excrete you from time to time. Sticking to a diet filled with fruits, vegetables and healthy fat and stop eating when you are full.


Do not neglect your home

Disorder mess at home

You spend a lot of time at home, so once the restrictions are lifted, you may be tempted to go out and stay outside. But your home has a huge influence on your mood and how to see your life.

Ato studypublished in thePersonality Bulletin and Social Psychology Analyzed how couples have perceived their home according to cleanliness and organization. Those who spoke more about unfinished home projects and that the congestion had fluctuating cortisol levels, an indicator they suffer from chronic stress.

Participants who described their homes as organized and without a clutter showed a decrease in depressed mood throughout the day. Spending all your time and about may seem that it would reduce your stress levels, but neglect your home features can add to your stress.

RX: You are required to spend more time catching up with friends and shopping when restrictions are up. However, remember how good it is and soothing to know that your home is in order. Make sure you spend time every week to restore your home until you are satisfied to reduce your stress levels.


Do not stop spending time with the family

Family On Hiking Adventure Through Forest

If you are in quarantine with your family members, it is normal to wait with impatience the day you can escape. However, once the restrictions are lifted, do not foster your family and let your close relationships suffer. On ato studyPublished inJournal of the American Medical Association (Jama) PediatricsParticipants "who have experienced positive family relationships on adolescents have significantly had the levels of depressive symptoms of early adolescence at mid-life (the end of the 1930s in the early 1940s) than those who experienced family relationships less positive. "

RX: Once it is prudent to engage in other social activities outside the house, you may not need to eat every meal with family members or play a monopoly game four hours every night. But do not let life activities take completely the succession, then you neglect these relationships. Continue to link with your family members and spend time together to maintain these special connections.


Do not forget your time "me"

Relaxed happy young man resting having nap on comfortable couch breathing fresh air

If you stay at home alone through this pandemic, you probably can not wait to see your friends and family when restrictions are lifted. Social weather and connections are crucial and you can feel isolated after a few months at home. But it is also important not to give up all your time "me".

According toPsychology today"The time to be alone can be an important stage of development. Positive reactions are also coming from loneliness." The only time also provides relief from social pressures and can allow introverts to "recharge".

RX: Before saying "yes" to each event and that you come together, make sure you will have fun and feed strong and positive connections with friends and family members. If you start feeling exhausted or losing contact with your feelings and needs, take a break from social activities and spend time alone so you can reconnect with yourself.


Do not serve

Hands of a bartender at bar restaurant with glass whiskey drink

If you were a fervidon before Covid-19 put us on the lock, you can go wrong for the socialization and atmosphere of your neighborhood bar. When restrictions have been lifted, will you have a drink. But be careful not to be carried away.

Drinking too much is dangerous and if you make a habit after locking, you head a unhealthy path and, according to theHARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH"" Heavyweight consumption can take a toll on the body. This can cause inflammation of the liver (alcoholic hepatitis) and result in liver scars (cirrhosis), a potentially fatal disease. "

RX: There is no unique definition for "moderate drinking", but it usually does not mean only one alcoholic beverage per day, which equates to "12 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine or 1½ ounces of spirits" .


Do not even overbook

iphone calendar Apps View check with on laptop

You can finally start adding social activities and community gatherings in your schedule. But no matter how excited about restrictions are lifting and going out, it's important not to overcome yourself.

On ato studyin theJournal of Marketing Research, anxiety is common with those with demanding schedules. The participants in the study admitted to feelings of extreme guilt when they had to choose between social events. The study concluded that "the feelings pressed for time can have many harmful consequences, such as the poorest health, the difficulty of sleeping and depression".

RX: If you push yourself to overcome events and social gatherings, you can not even benefit from these experiences because of stress and guilt. Slowly change the reservation of your social calendar and do not put pressure on yourself to do everything at a time.


Do not give up your projects

woman records a music blog with guitar

If you are like a lot during the quarantine, you may have launched a new project or choose a new hobby to spend the time at home. If you learn to play a musical instrument or work on an art and craft project, do not just give up restrictions are lifted.

RX:When restrictions rise, it will be easy to get distracted in during friends or go out to eat. Remember to stick with the new leisure you have dusty during your stay at home. If you felt satisfied when you paint birds or gardening, keep weaving these projects in your daily schedule.


Do not stop reaching out friends away

Group Friends Video Chat Connection Concept

One of the positive results of social isolation is the growing popularity of video cats. Many people tend to go out with friends and family members living far more often than they were used to. Connect with dear beings who do not live closely is important for your health and health.

According toA study published in theAmerican Journal of Lifestyle Medicine"Social support and sense of connection can help people maintain a healthy body mass index, to show blood sucks, improve cancer survival, reduce cardiovascular mortality, reduce depressive symptoms, to mitigate Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorders and improve global mental health ".

RX: Continue reaching loved ones who live far, even after restrictions have been lifted. You may have programmed a weekly video tank game with your Tulsa aunt or a Saturday night virtual hour with your cousin in New York. Although the frequency of these virtual meetings can decrease when your city reverses, these connections are important. Create a new schedule that helps you maintain them.


Do not touch everything


The fear of COVID-19 during the quarantine may have led to being extremely cautious about what you touch when you are in public. Although restrictions are lifted, it is always important to be aware of the germs and bacteria that you can be exposed to the public.

According toA study conducted by National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF), the most germic objects of the public places included water fountain spigots, cafeteria trays, sandboxes in public parks, theater video controllers and school musical instruments. These items had a number of aerobic plates (APCs) or a general bacteria population, measuring more than 100 in each square inch.

RX: Be careful not to touch your face or put your fingers in your mouth if you touched public surfaces until you completely washed your hands.


Do not forget nature

Senior caucasian woman sitting on the beach outdoors

When your city reopens because the threat of coronavirus has decreased, you may want to rush to bars, restaurants and shops. We all missed these institutions as part of our daily routine and social calendar.

But do not forget state parks, community hiking trails, local lakes or beaches. Our connection with nature is a crucial part of our mental health and can increase your mood instantly. According toDr. Jason Strauss of Cambridge Health Alliance, "Have something nice to focus on trees and greenery help distracting your mind from negative thinking, so your thoughts become less fulfilled."

RX: Make the nature part of your daily life, no matter how much you miss your bar or favorite clothing store. Dr. Strauss recommends: "Something 20 to 30 minutes, three days a week, at the weekends of three regular days in the woods are useful. The goal is to make your interactions part of your normal lifestyle. "


Do not stop staying up to date


With restrictions lifted in your city, you may think that everything is going to focus and stop paying attention to the latest updates. However, it is important to continue to know what is happening with the location of COVID-19 and how other local news can affect your life.

RX:Although you may not be the need to access a 24/7 press source, stay up-to-date on the latest restrictions in your area, so you know that you follow you follow the rules. With a quick source of 15 minutes with a confidence news source every day, you can also find out more about other important topics, such as your local weather and events.


Do not give up your training routine

Asian women exercising in bed in the morning

With as much time on your hands in self-isolation, you may have taken back a new healthy habit: daily exercise. When your city rolves, it's easy to come back to your old habits and your busy lifestyle that does not include physical activity.

But moving your body every day is so important for your health and well-being. According toCDC, a daily physical activity is good for "improving your cerebral health, weight management, disease reduction, strengthen your bones and muscles and improve your ability to do daily activities".

RX: Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine so you can continue to improve your health. The CDC concludes that "adults earn most of these health benefits when they make the equivalent of 150 to 300 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes to 5 hours) of a moderate aerobic physical activity each week "


Do not stop cooking meals at home

Woman cooking vegetables in the kitchen

In most parts of the lock during the pandemic, you can still order feeding or delivery of many restaurants. However, most families have been more often cooked at home, while social distancing than before. Getting to a meal in a restaurant or taking a quick bite during race for races to be more common when restrictions begin to lift.

But do not lose your motivation to cook at home. Extrementation of your culinary skills can keep you and your family members healthier. According toJulia A. Wolfson, Ph.D., MPPFrom the school of public health from the University of Michigan, "when people cook most of their meals at home, they consume fewer carbohydrates, less sugar and less fat than those who cooperate less or not - Even if they do not try to lose weight. "

RX: Ato studyPosted by Johns Hopkins University Schoolberg School of Public Health and conducted by Mr. Wolfson found that those who leaned at home from six to seven nights each week have also consumed fewer calories when they came out to eat. Your calendar is obliged to get hectic when your city reopens, but by cooking at least several times a week can be the best decision of your health.


Do not see live music without earplugs


A day soon, live music will be one thing again, even if it requires socially distance seats.However, it is important to protect your hearing when you are in a situation that includes strong sounds or music. On ato studyPublished inBorders in psychology, the average "noise levels of nightclubs and rock concerts was 103.4 dBA." Levels of sound in the average workplace of about 85 dBA (decibels).

Exposure to these high noise levels over a period of time can lead to hearing loss. Ato studyPublished inJama otolarygolygolygolygology heating surgery Concluded: "The use of earplugs is effective in preventing temporary hearing loss after exposure to strong music."

RX: Even if you only see live music or visiting nightclubs from time to time, use earplugs to protect your audience. If you want to enjoy concerts for years to come, it is important to always protect your ears.


Do not stop taking your vitamins

vitamins and supplements on white background with a brown bottle.

Strengthening your immune system and make sure your body had all the vitamins that it needed to fight the virus was probably at the top of your mind in isolation. During home stay orders, many vitamin supplements to help their immune systems combat coronavirus.

When restrictions are lifted, you may always want to consider keeping your vitamin grip in place. According toHARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, "Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients required by the body to perform a range of normal functions. Multivitamins can play an important role when nutritional requirements are not respected via."

RX: Try to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals from food sources. Vitamin D deficiency is common and oneto studypublished in theJournal of Pharmacology and PharmacotherapuitAbout 50% of the population does not receive enough every day. "Traditional multivitamins contain about 400 IU vitamin D, but many multivitamins now contain 800 to 1000 IU." Talk to your doctor vitamin supplements that could suit you.

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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