McDonald's announces a "hero" bonus for restaurant workers during the coronavirus
The fast food giant attributes additional funding to many employees.

McDonald's has chosen to reward his workers for their patience and sacrifice during thecoronavirus pandemic giving them a bonus.
To demonstrate his appreciation, the fast giant decided to distributebonus Employees in 700 stores belonging to the company. Bonuses are worth 10% of their salary earned in May.
The move has been inspired by manyMcDonalds The stores held by the franchise (the majority of its 14,000 stores belong to franchisees) attributing bonuses, appreciation and even gift cards to their employees.
"McDonald restaurant employees have been and will continue to be our main goal by the crisis. They are essential to serving our customers and support our communities," said the company in adeclaration released Thursday.
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McDonald is not the only company that showsappreciation to his employees. According toNews from the Nation's restaurant, "Other restaurants and retail chains providing employees with a boost in compensation in the middle of the CVIVID-19 pandemic include Starbucks, Walmart, Kroger, Amazon and Albertsons."
Starbucks, for example, gives $ 3 extra dollars to an hour to healthy employees who choose to work until the end of May. When the pandemic started first, Chipotle gave the hourly workers a10% salary increase This lasted from March 16th to April 12th.
Unfortunately, all McDonald locations are not as generous for their employees during the pandemic. Earlier in April, cooking and cashiers working in McDonald's shops stretching Los Angeles to Oakland, California.strikes, requiring personal protective equipment, paid sick leave and danger salary.
Related:Foods you can not order at McDonald at present due to coronaviruses
However, the most recent evolution of McDonald to pay tribute to its front-line workers gives us hope that their current situations will continue to improve during these unprecedented periods. It is also reassuring to see other popular companies in the food industry as a result of prosecution when it comes to making efforts to protect and show their employees they appreciate them.
The next time you visit your favorite Fast Food Channel, be sure to thank the employees; They risk their lives to make sure you get your food order.