The Genius way to get your food to take away

It's incredibly safe, and holds everyone involved in perfect health!

I spent the first three months ofquarantine In my small apartment in Brooklyn and usually have food that I ordered delivered. In my head, it seemed to be the best way to order food andSupport local restaurants, Until recently, when I came across a means of genius to seizego out.

Here is the story: I arrived at Connecticut to spend a few weeks with my family. Our goal is to try to support our favorite restaurants by commissioning two or three times a week the food. This week we orderedAlforno Trattoria, A delicious Italian restaurant located in Old Saybrook, Connecticut. It is a bit far for us at the delivery of the order, so we led to the restaurant to get our go to take away. When we arrived there,I was pleasantly surprised by the safe means they made arrangements to take away at the edge of street. Needless to say, they take the selective collection very seriously.

Drive-Thru Take away? Engineering!

Drive-thru is obviously not a new concept, especially for chains likeMcDonalds WhereStarbucks. But for an Italian restaurant, they are not exactly equipped for this kind of service. So, instead, Alforno has decided to make their own.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we learned to shoot the car at the front of the restaurant. One of the waitresses came with a mask, so we covered our faces and rolled on the car's glass. She asked our name for the order and entered the restaurant to take our food.

At this point, we thought we would have to get out of the car so that we can load up with our dinner. But on the contrary, she came back with our bags of food (and yes, two bottles of wine) and asked us,"Do you want that in the trunk or on the back seat? »

We were a little stunned at the beginning, but my mother soon answered back seat. This waitress opened the back door with galvanized hands, charged the car, and closed the door. The car kept ussocially distancing.

She then returned with a credit card reader where we sit down motionless in the car.

When we arrived at home with food, we could not help but extasier on the service. Not only were we able to nibble our favorite Italian dishes tonight of one of our beloved restaurants, but they even had a system that kept us feeling security and content. Our only regret? We probably should be leaning more.

Ask your local restaurant if they do the same thing

Although all the restaurants there offers this kind of service, you can always ask them to do something similar. It is a means of genius to grasp Takeout that keeps everyone involved healthy and safe, where you do not have to bring extra germs in the restaurant at the time. Even if the restaurants are open with limited capacity, you can reduce the risk of spreading the virus to not enter the restaurant and asking them to literally put on the edge of the food sidewalk.

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Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Restaurants
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