7 warning signs it is not safe to eat in a restaurant

If you notice one of these red flags, get back and get back immediately.

After leather every day every meal for you and your family for months, you rightly deserve an evening. While you are probably looking forward to dinner in your favorite restaurant once the coronavirus restrictions are lifted, it does not mean that you can leave your guard entirely when you eat.

Although disease control and prevention centers (CDC) and state governments publishGuidelines Restaurants must follow to reopen-It's what it does not mean that all restaurants will comply.

If you notice any of these warning panels when you arrive at a restaurant, turn right if you want to protect yourself from coronavirus. And to get the latest foods delivered directly to your inboxSubscribe to our newsletter!


The hostess does not wear a facial mask

restaurant hostess on telphone

All restaurant employees are required to use fabric face masks, depending on theCDC considerations for the reopening of restaurants and bars. This goes for everyone hostesses to the servers to the chefs. When walking in a restaurant and notice that the host does not wear mask, you should turn right. Restaurant employees must wear masks in case they unconsciously have the virus and are asymptomatic. In this way, they can not pass the virus on you. Above not being able to welcome you without mask, here is another4 things that restaurant guests are no longer allowed to do.


There are condiments on the table


Reducing the number of shared items in a restaurant is essential to prevent the spread of coronavirus between customers. If a customer is infected with COVID-19 and uses shared condiments, if the servers do not clean them correctly between the seats, it is possible that the virus can be transmitted to the next person who needs ketchup for his fries. Instead, you will use single-service condiments. With never be able to press the "57" on a bottle of Ketchup Heinz Ketchup, there is again9 other things that you will never be allowed to do in the restaurants.


Your server gives you a reusable plastic menu

Waiter handing menu to customers

The CDC guidelines suggest that restaurants "avoid using or sharing reusable items, such as menus". As an alternative, restaurants should "use disposable or digital menus". Restaurants can continue to use plastic menus if they are properly disinfected between uses, but make sure you ask the server what is their sanitation policy before entering the menu they are dealing with.


People are waiting to sit inside the restaurant

Please wait to be seated host stand

Restaurants should encourage guests who are waiting to sit outside the restaurant on the car park, in their cars or elsewhere, as directed by the CDC. You will not be allowed to wait inside the lobby of the restaurant hall because it is almost impossible to keep a safe social distance six feet. If a restaurant allows you to endanger you here, which know what other measures they are shortened to protect your restoration experience.


The restaurant is packed

busy restaurant

Before sitting, look around you. Are some barrstools closed? Is there enough spacing between the tables? The CDC says that restaurants must sufficiently reduce their seat capacity to allow tables to be spaced at least 6 feet away. If the restaurant on which you are about to eat is packed, it means that the owner does not follow the safe social distance guidelines and that could put you at risk of contracting Covid-19.


The air is clogged

Waiter acting friendly and normal to customers at a restaurant.

Being in closed tight spaces poses a high risk that you can contract coronavirus. This is because if an infected person touches, sneezes or breathes, breathing droplets can be suspended in the air and transmit adjacent clients. The CDC says that restaurants must "make sure that ventilation systems work properly and increase the flow of outdoor air as much as possible." If all the doors and the windows of the restaurant are closed and that it feels hot or stifled inside, it could mean that the restaurant has no suitable airflow. Without this, if you dine with an infected person, it puts you at higher risk of contracting Covid-19. Read more:The most dangerous place to sit in a restaurant after coronavirus.


The buffet is open

variety food buffet

Even though restaurants have followed all safe reopening procedures, if you see that the restaurant buffet is always open, make a more-statistical reservation. AA new shocking video shows how fast germs spread to restaurantsand Spoiler Alert - This is because people used shared utensils in a buffet. The same problem goes for all salad bars or soft drink stations. Speaking of the non-alcoholic beverage station, here isThings you will never see in fast food restaurants .

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answer Your most urgent questions ) here are the precautions You should take the grocery store, the food you should have by hand, the Meal delivery services and Restaurant chains offering an imprint You must know and the means to help you support those who need . We will continue to update these new information that develops. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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