5 new dangers of the outdoor dining room has seen coming

These changes in restaurants work could have long-term negative effects.

If you are like me, the joyous perspective of dinner again (perhaps stupidly) wins the calculated risks that I am ready to take to do it. Food companies are waiting for reopening throughout the country, and as much as we look forward to seeing this branch of the economy prosper once again, there may be new traps we should keep in mind.

Restaurants and food companies will not come back to their old ways to operate, maybe for the moment, or maybe ever. You can expect to see changes in the way consumers are welcomed in restaurants and that these changes can increase longer-term repercussions, none of us think of our post-quarantine euphoric state. Here are some elements that should be higher of the mind for all of us as we rejoin the real world again.Subscribe to our newsletterTo get the latest foods delivered directly to your inbox.


Restaurants may have to keep tabs on your identity


As the restaurants in Washington State are preparing for reopening and recovery of their dinner services, Governor Jay Inslee has announced a new controversial policy to limit the spread of the virus. It includes restaurants that need to record the identity and contact information of each dinner person in their institution. Although facial, this policy looks like an effective way to contact tracing and identify those who should be in quarantine, the ad was encountered with aBacklash of the general public. The governor then clarified that the guests could choose to give their contact information and that only one contact person was needed. However, this can define a new previous invading of the privacy of dinners and could pave the way for other ways to follow the general public in their daily activities. That's someOther changes you can see in restaurants.


Take-out applications can end up tracking your position

takeout app

Some places to take away, like Panera,have added geofenconnection capabilities to their control applications In order to provide a faster take away service for their customers. And although you finished that you can spend less time waiting for your order, ask yourself that you are comfortable with your restaurant capable of tracking your location in their neighborhood. Certainly, many telephone applications already register our location data, but note that the demand for Panera can also collect information about the brand, color and model of your vehicle. Here is thenumber one worst thing you can do at the drive-thru.


Excessively disinfected places could be counterproductive to our health

overly sanitized

The fight against coronavirus can have long-term negative results for our health. Not only the widespread use of antibioticsto moisten the efforts to prevent a global rise of superbeclesBut our overuse of antimicrobials can also end up having an effect on our ability to combat germs. A growing corpus of research shows thatMicrobes are actually essential for our health. The restaurant industry is an excellent example of a public place that will exercise strict health precautions to ensure the safety of their customers and help us fight the pandemic, our incessant remediation of the world around us can lower our body Natural immune response and damage our microbiome. here's howStrengthen your immune system naturally.


New configurations without numbers will expand the socio-economic fracture

cashless payment

With the rise of cash-free payments in the food service sector because of the pandemic, physical money could become faster than expected. Although we are probably abducted to a non-cash company in the future, a rapid increase in restaurants and other catering services does not accept money could expand the socio-economic gap.Leader.comReports that there are currently about 55 million non-banned or sub-exploited consumers in the United States, and these people are particularly vulnerable to digital exclusion and exclusion of participation in daily amenities such as eating. here are theThe catering chains that went without money during the pandemic.


Air conditioning in restaurants can help propagate the virus

air conditioning

As restaurants are preparing to reopen, their ventilation systems have come under particular supervision. A recently published study byCDC Harded an outbreak of Covid-19 in a restaurant in China to the restaurant air conditioning system. Dr. Davidson Hamer, Professor of Boston University of Global Health and Medicine told theBoston HeraldThat the flow of air in a restaurant could make you sick if someone in this restaurant has the virus. This is because the air conditioning moves essentially the air in a closed space and the droplets of an infected person can travel even further than six feet. The experts agree that ventilation in congested interior spaces deserves to be evaluated for potential risks in coronavirus and restaurants will be extremely cautious when temperatures increase this summer. That's someChanges you can see in crowded places like bars and lounges.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Restaurants
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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