The new weird way you will order quickly

It forces you to touch nothing and talk to anyone!

To manyFast foodThe use of touch screen technology has been widely invoked to take customer orders. This has helped create ease of the control process and reduce long lines to cash registers. Yet with the rise of thecoronavirus and strict policies applied in these restaurants, the use oftactile screens is no longer considered safe.

But if you could use a touch screen without touching it?

This is currently what the companyUltra -ap is working on a technology company that has developedContactless technologies that can operate for different kiosks, screens, elevators, appliances and medical interfaces.

"In its simplest form, UltraCapeAP technology can replace the need for tactile screens," says Sarabh Gupta, Product Manager outside Ultratrapeap. "Using our hands tracking, you can interact with digital content using your hands, in the same way as you would with a touch screen, but you do not need to touch a surface. Our key Haptics virtual adds the sense of contact in the air environment to help notify that a selection has been made. "

According to Gupta, UltraMeap-free screens are already used in several locations. You can find this technology in shopping centers, cinema lobbies, experiential car marketing, virtual reality arcades (VR) and themes of the theme park.

In addition, the Ultraleap Technology Technology Officer, Tom Carter, said the company is working to develop a hands tracking technology for restaurant kiosks in Fast Food, as well as in a recently published article. throughFinancial times.

How does a contactless screen work?

According to the UltraLeap website, this mid-air hand track tracking technology will be controlled using gestures via hand-projected felt virtual sensations. Technology is clean, safe and easy to use.

"No laptops. No controllers. No public surfaces," says Gupta.

Where can you find these screens without contact?

Currently, none of the fast food restaurants that we do not know to have announced partnerships with UltraLeap. However, while Gupta held silent partnerships, his tips for "looking at space" for ads could mean changes in fast food kiosks in the near future.

However, these screens are already in some of your favorite well-loved spaces, including film theaters. And the public health concern in the world continues to rise during the pandemic, you will probably see this flourishing technology in all types of public interfaces. Gupta says you can even experience it in yourgrocery stores, ATMs and more.

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