A Starbucks barman won more than $ 50,000 tips for doing this thing

Thousands of people supported Barista via a GoFundme page and the total continues to grow.

Tips for aStarbucks Barista in San Diego, California continues to pay after refusing to serve a client not wearingmask.

A woman posted about Lenin Gutierrez on Facebook by saying that he would not take his order because she did not wear a protective mask. She ended up saying "the next time I'm going to wait for cops and bring a medical exemption".

The post went viral, with some people who support the woman. However, aGofundy has been put in place to return Gutierrez in the form of a big advice. "Raising money for Lenin for his honorable standing efforts standing in a wild Karen," said the campaign page that was published on Tuesday, June 23.

At the end of Friday, June 26, more than $ 55,000 were raised for Barista Starbucks, and the total continues to climb. Lenin, who is also a child dance teacher, posted on Facebook expressing gratitude for the support he has received since the sharing of the original publication.

According to hiswebsiteStarbucks requires workers to wear masks and checked their temperature before each shift. In terms of requirements for clients, this varies depending on the status of the Starbucks location. California is currentlyrequiring facial masks In all public settings, which includes inside one of the coffee chain locations.

Nearly 15 states have made masks in public compulsory, according toNewsweek. They include Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Washington.

The emblemic coffee chain was also in the news earlier this week to announce the arrival of theFixed sandwich Made from herbal sausage. Other menu additions include a cold brewery with cinnamon cinnamon milk foam and cold infusion with cocoa dark cocoa moss. New low-calorie breme options just in time for the summer? Sign up!

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Categories: Restaurants
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