7 things to do during the coronavirus
The world feels like it has come to stop but you are not obliged.

If you are like most people, the Covid-19 pandemic has completely shaken your daily routine. If you feel that you are absent about life, you might be tempted to take risks and start doing things you do.
But it has been found that the "transmission of Covid-19 occurs mainly people when they have symptoms, and can also occur just before they develop symptoms, when they are close to others during prolonged periods. time, "according to theWorld Health Organization (WHO).
People are everywhere and it is impossible to know who is infected, which puts a brake on many plans. If you can mitigate the risk of interacting with a bunch of people, you can take some fun activities, even during the pandemic. Discover these seven things it is relatively safe, even in coronavirus times. And to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.
Have a small outdoor picnic

Covid-19 transmission is less likely to occur when you stay socially and outside distances by, according to theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC). Bring your own food and your own coverage and tell a friend or two that has been careful and responsible for the pandemic to do the same thing.
Go to an outdoor park, skip hugs, and stay away at least six feet. Since you are outside, do not share the food, and maintaining the social distance, you must be sure enjoy a picnic together relaxation. Just keep yourfacial mask When do not eat, be very careful.
Attend a Drive-in Movie

If you miss the excitement of going to the cinema, you are lucky. Drive-in films have resurgence during the pandemic. Many sectors of the community, such as local parks, also welcome Drive-in cinema to gather the community while still staying outside.
If you are attending the projection that your family members and stay in your car without interacting with other people, a Drive-in Film is a safe (and fun) family exit during the pandemic. However, as always, "If you have COVID-19, have symptoms that are compatible with COVID-19, or have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19, it's important to stay at home and at the other gap, »warnsThe CDC.
For takeaway meals
If you are tired of cooking for the whole family, but do not want to risk sitting in a restaurant, it must be sure to order a takeaway meal. Covid-19 is not transmitted by the food, but if you are still worried about the risk, "the best thing to do is to wash your hands before eating the product. Take the food of the package, put it on a plate, then wash your hands before eating, "saysDr. Erin Dicaprio, Ph.D., From UCDAVIS. If you are going to get your food in person, follow the instructions of the restaurant near, as waiting in your car or wear a mask than you walk in.
Discuss with your external friends

Wondering what your neighbors have been up to quarantine? To die to see the new haircut of your best friend? It should be relatively low risk of planning a socially distance discussion with friends in your entry or in the front yard.
Just be sure you keep outside. "Interior spaces are more risky than outdoor spaces where it might be harder to keep people outside and there is less ventilation", according toThe CDC. Only invite some people who you know has been responsible during the pandemic and stay away from six feet throughout your conversation.
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To play golf

If you are dying to go out on the golf course, there are ways to engage safely in sport. Most golf courses are required to follow strict social distancing guidelines and have made other changes to their courses to minimize contact between players. You must climb in a golf cart alone or only with other members of your party.
Bunker rakes can be eliminated, flagstits replaced by non-contact devices, and electronic pointing procedures can be put in place, depending on theAmerican Golf Association (USGA). These actions make the game even safer, but it is always important to maintain six feet between you and other players and try not to visit public places, such as the Club House or Pro Shop.
To take a walk

If you live in a lively city center or decide to visit a lively public park, a walk may not be a low-risk activity during the pandemic. However, if you can find a way that is not too many people and limits your exposure to other people, you can enjoy a safe and invigorating walk.
"It is important to remember that the same rules of social distancing that you follow inside always apply, while outside", according to theCleveland Clinic. If you spend another person at your walk, move away to maintain six feet away and have a facial mask at your fingertips if you feel that you may feel too close.
Host a happy hour

The only way to stay safe at 100% of Covid-19 infection is to stay at home and away from others. If you are at high risk of serious illness or you interact with friends or family members who are high risk for coronavirus complications, it may be better to engage only in home activities. Win a small human interaction by organizing a video discussion with colleagues, friends or family members. You can play games, cook a dish or have a glass set virtually. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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