It is the safest catering chain right now, the new survey finds the new survey

According to mysterious buyers, this chain excelled to COVID-19 prevention measures.

A newnational survey Realized by the Ipsos Global Research Company determined that Panda Express is currently the safest catering chain for consumers. The survey was aimed at assessing COVID-19 health and safety measures taken by various retailers and restaurants.

Ipsos gathered the data ofThousands of Mysterious Store Visits Purchased, which made the stock of in-store changes various brands have set up so that their customers feel safe on their premises.

Not only has Panda Express checked all the precautionary areas, but they were in line with the implementation of many locations and visits. Each brand has been visited by a mysterious client between 75 and 125 times.

The Chinese food chain outperformed industry competitors on health and safety reporting, compliance with employees with protective gear and apply distancing measures. Up to 67% of Panda Express locations that mystery buyers visited had a reminiscent signal to stay at 6 meters away and 63% had a signage regarding the external store limited occupancy, which is high compared to the averages of the industry of 42% and 17% respectively.

The restaurant has also made sure to offer a dedicated unidirectional existence and entrances to most places and plexiglass barriers have been identified in the vast majority of places.

In addition, thePanda Express restaurant staff wore its masks correctly 96% of the time and 82% of the time they wore gloves. Unemployed, the industry average for staff properly making masks is as low as 27%.

"We are witnessing a secular approach of the customer experience, make monumental changes in a few weeks and months; It's really impressive enough, "SHOHINI BANERJEE said, Senior Vice President of the U.S Performance Group of the Canal to Ipsos. "A lot of precautions and improvements of COVID-19 are not small or inexpensive - they are a complete change in the way employees behave and how products and services are distributed - a total disturbance than retail trade took the stride. "

The study included several other categories of activities, such as grocery stores, whereThe winner was whole foodsand financial services, where the winner was Wells Fargo. It should be noted that the survey included only a small sample of trademarks in four categories. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that some companies are doing better than others to protect their customers and their employees.

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