McDonald dollar menu is not what it was - here's what you need to know

$ 1 $ 2 $ 3 Dollar menu varies according to your McDonald local section.

The officialMcDonalds Value menu has changed a lot over the years. At one point, the fast food giant had a 2 for $ 5MIX & MATCH CASEBut they stopped shortly after. Now the McDonald Dollar menu is the only value menu option. Rather than offers that costs only $ 1, the company has a level system. The$ 1 $ 2 $ 3 dollar menu is now your value menu, but it's not as simple as that.

Menu of the dollar and the promotions of McDonald went local.

What can I order on the McDonald dollar menu?

The McDonald website shows only two of the three levels of offer: $ 1 items and $ 2 items. For menu items $ 3? You will have to stop at astore To see what is in the value menu.

For $ 1You get non-alcoholic drinks in size.

For $ 2Your selection is limited toMcCafé drinks.

Your McDonald Local can have more options for $ 1 or $ 2, but the gaseous drink and McCafe offers are the only ones offered throughout the country.

For $ 3 You will have to stop by your local McDonald from, which can also have expanded options offered at $ 1 or $ 2.

What happened to the McDonald Dollar menu?

The oldMenu $ 1 Line-up, which was updated in early 2018, consisting of classics such as the McCHicken sandwich, a cheeseburger, a sausage burrito, and any size fountain drink.

The last time the menu $ 2 $ 1 $ 3 dollars has been updated at the end of 2019 seen the loss of theMerry feastYou know, the choice of a main dish of a child associated on one side, a glass, anda toy. Thus, prices seem like they are gradually deteriorating over time.

Now there are no food products offered nationally, and some local franchises do not offer price of the dollar menu.

Are there any promotions at McDonald Plus?

This does not mean that you will not find promotions at the fast food chain. You can search for McDonald offers in the chain application foriOS andAndroid. DirectlyUbereats, And you will find exactly what the promotions of your local channel offers.

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