The Big Mac you can not get from McDonald's

Sorry, McDonald's, but this bigger, better and healthier burger has our heart.

We are big fans of theMac (After all, it was on the cover of the firstEat this, not that! Book) -or at least the general principle behind her. Thin cakes, the American cheese layer, the special sauce - all this meets in order to make this burger a convincing icon of theFast facility. But no one can say that the great Mac is exactly a healthy meal. This is where we enter! There are two main problems with the Big Mac recipe as it is: the quality of the ingredients is the subamn, and the average bread is absolutely superfluous. We replace mysterious meat with a lean flood on the ground, seise it in acast iron Until wonderfully brown, then bring the classic ingredients inside a single bread sesame sesame Squishy.

Nutrition:380 calories, 15 g of grease (5 g saturated), 760 mg of sodium

Serve 4

You will need

2 c. Mayonnaise with olive oil
1 tablespoon of mustard
1 tablespoon of ketchup
1 grated onion with soup
1 tablespoon of sweet pickle
1 C. Worcestershire sauce tea
Sirloin on the ground of 1 lb
Black salt and pepper
4 slices of American cheese
8 slices of dill pickle
1/2 cup of chopped yellow onion
4 small breads of sesame seeds, slightly grilled
1 cup iceberg lettuce shredded

How to do it

To make the special sauce, in a mixing bowl, combine Mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, grated onion, taste and workershire.

  1. Form the beef in 8 balls still.
  2. Use your hands or spatula to flatten slim baked bullets on a cutting board.
  3. Preheat a large cast iron pan over medium-high heat.
  4. Season the cakes on both sides with black salt and pepper.
  5. When very hot, add 4 pancakes to the pan.
  6. Cook for about 1 minute, until a brown crust develops.
  7. Flip, cover 2 pancakes with a slice of cheese and continue cooking for 60 to 90 seconds more, until the bottom also has a crust.
  8. Top each cheeseburger with 2 pickles and a minced onion handle.
  9. Stack bare burgers on cheeseburgers and remove to a cutting board.
  10. Repeat with the remaining 4 pancakes.
  11. Spread the bottom of the fall with a generous amount of special sauce and high with shredded lettuce.
  12. Place hamburgers on the rolls, up with the bun tops and serve.

RELATED:Learn toDeposit your metabolism and lose weight the intelligent way.

3.3 / 5 (298 reviews)

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