These COVID-19 restrictions will completely change Tuesday Gras this year

New measures will actually close the celebrations of the Beloved holidays.

New Orleans will be officially under a lock order onMardi Gras Weekend, effectively close the celebrations of the beloved holidays.

Mayor Latoya Cantrell issuedorder Last week, forcing a complete closure of all the bars and restaurants of the city of 6 o'clock in the morning on Friday, February 12 at 6:00 Wednesday, February 17th. In addition, no institution will be allowed to sell alcoholic beverages. If companies do not conform, they may be closed on site and lose their licenses. (In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.)

The French district, which hosts the annual parades of the Tuesday of the city, will be underEven stricter rules. All parades have been canceled; Sales of packaged liquors have been prohibited in the region; And street vendors and interpreters have also been banned. Discovering large public meetings, some of the streets of Bourbon and Frenchman of the busiest routes will be closed to vehicles and pedestrians during evening hours. No parking areas will also be in force in the region.

The restrictions also apply to those organizingTuesday Gras Festivities in Los Number. The interior gatherings will be 10 people, while outdoor gatherings will be limited to 25. Participants are encouraged to wear facial masks and maintain social distance at any time.

The drastic measurement comes then that Louisiana infection rates improve. However, the new variant u.k. of the virus, which is more transmissible, isspread quickly through the state. Health experts predict propagation can cause another peak in cases before Louisiana can reach the immunity of the flock through vaccinations, according toLawyer. Moreover, arecent preliminary study found that the increase in CVIV-19 surge last year in Louisiana can be found on February 25 of Tuesday's celebrations, in favor of the Mayor's decision to cancel the event this year.

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