Dunkin has just added this new breakfast menu item
This article has all proteins and fewer calories.

New Year, NewDunkin ' Breakfast sandwich! And as the name suggests, the newSandwich on the menu is an addition that could help you maintain your health goals for 2021 and beyond.
TheSandwich Power Breakfast from South West Veggie Is part of Dunkin's thrust for more herbal menu items. It offers a cake of black beans and a white omelette of egg with spinach, peppers and onions on a slim multigrain bread. Garnished with white cheddar cheese, this breakfast sandwich is now available to power your mornings at participating restaurants at the national level.
So muchVEGGIE POWER Comes a healthy responsibility - and this sandwich is in place for the task. It contains 26 grams of protein, 23 grams of whole grains and 410 calories. It is more than 5 more grams of protein and 310 calories less than sausage, cheese and cheese sandwich on the menu.
You can also order the new sandwich without the Morningstar Patty as a white vegetable omelette. This meal has 17 grams of protein, 290 calories and 13 grams of fat. But both options have more than 500 milligrams of sodium, which means it is better to limit your consumption and drink plenty of water. (For more things about that, here's45 Breakfast habits make you weight.)
The new sandwich joins the sandwich beyond the sausage breakfast, whichmade his debut in 2019 on the side of the soles of the menu. Since,Dunkin 'also introduced the Oatmilk As an option for its coffee and espresso drinks.
"This sandwich is really exciting for Morningstar farms because it offers a legume-centered option for Dunkin's guests, which gives them a great Patty protein," Dara Schuster, senior marketing director, plant protein to Kellogg, said. "The flexible power supply is on the rise and we are delighted to deliver new menu items that can satisfy everyone."
For more than you should order at the coffee chain, here'sThe best and worst Dunkin Donuts Coffee Computers. And to get all the fast Fast Food delivered directly to your inbox by email every day,Subscribe to our newsletter!

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