5 ways McDonald's made happy heals health

They sold more than 2.5 billion fruits, vegetables and other healthy items since 2018 only!

It looks like the golden arches are about to win a gold halo for their work to bring nutritious food to children everywhere. Since 2013,McDonalds has made a concerted effort not only to make McDonald's healthier McDonald's happy healthy meals (including including apple slices in each order), but also to direct children to make healthier choices (starting with the deletion of the soda of all menu tips and advertising in order to encourage an increase in orders of, well, anything butIcky Soda) Now,Two years in a four-year plan make happy meals still healthier,McDonald's reported It's okay.

Since it announced for the first time its "Global Objectives of Happy Meals" in 2018, McDonald's soldMore than 2.5 billion happy meal articles containing fruits, vegetables, dairy products, water, lean protein or whole grains. "WEntering the progress we have made in the provision of families around the world Access to more balanced meal menu options, "says Julia Braun, McDonald World Nutrition Director," and we remain determined to use our size And our ladder to support children and families while we continue to evolve the good meal. "

Here's how McDonald's made her happy healthy mealsandget children from all over the world to want to fast food healthy (and here's21 best health hacks That you can use to make your meal home healthier.)


Offering balanced meals

mcdonalds happy meal
McDonald's courtesy

Working with Nutrition Experts, McDonald's has established the first criteria for global nutrition for happy meals, with the aim of providing options that contribute to more fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products, and less in the Sodium, sugar and saturated grease. For example, happy meals in Poland include carrot sticks and happy meals in Sweden offer Falafel as a vegan option.

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Simplify the ingredients

happy meal

SomeWorst food additives It would usually make their way in happy meals before 2018. But from the beginning of 2020, 93% of happy meal menu items through the 20 main meal markets are not artificial flavors, have added colors of sources artificial or artificial preservatives that can be reduced in a managed way. here are the16 foods in your own kitchen that could very well contain chemicals and food dyes.

Related: Here is15 incredible vegan food recipes.


Do nutritional information available

mcdonalds happy meal

McDonald's understands that enlightened choices can only be done by informed clients. That's why they hie the Nutrition Aking information available to happy meal guests. In 2019, 60% of the top 20 markets provided full information on happy meal nutrition on McDonald's websites and mobile control applications used for the order. Many other markets have partial information, with all 100% transparencies. here is20 tips foragreement Nutrition labels.


Happy meal marketing responsibly

mcdonalds happy meal on tray

As of 2020, 100% of all ads presented to the children of the 20 large markets for happy meals showed "healthy" menu items such as water, milk, juice or fruit. Currently, 83% of all happy meal advertisements for the children of the 20 main markets fully meet the global nutrition criteria, but the company is actively working to bring it up to 100% before 2022.


Getting children interested in healthy happy meal choices

eating happy meal

McDonald's used innovative marketing techniques to influence children to make healthier choices. For example, in 2019, McDonald Spain modified his happy meal packaging to offer a beautiful photo of melon slices. And guess what? The share of customers selecting melon slices increased by 29%.

And for more, check these108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.

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