The best menu items from El Pollo Loco

A registered dietitian do you use near nutrition so that you know what meals to the order and jump.

Anyone who has already visited the south of California has led at least one handful of locations from El Pollo locations. The Cali-Mex chain is known as the local response of the west coast toTaco Bell And is loved by Californians and Aboriginal tourists.Mexican food knock the two ends of the health spectrum, so we recruitedLaura Burak MS, RD, CDN, To help us decide which dishes on the Loco El Pollo menu are better for you than others.

To start, she had some advice to keep in mind:

"With regard to Mexican cuisine and this menu, in particular, you have the opportunity to exchange more caloric-caloric ingredients such as cheese, sour cream and rice, as well as in more vegetables and salsa. Jump Tostada's shells and giant envelopes and ask for a salad base instead, "she says.

Now, here are its recommendations of the best and worst items in the Loco El Pollo menu.

Chicken meal

Best: 2-room meal, chicken leg with skin

el pollo loco 2 piece chicken meal
Courtesy of El Pollo Loco

By 1 chicken leg, no side: 80 calories, 4 g of grease (1 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 170 mg of sodium, 0 g of carbohydrates (0 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 12 g protein

According to Burak, the 2-room meal is the best choice because it is an appropriate amount of food. When you add the right tips, it is not necessary to eat more chicken, so this part is ideal.

Worst: 4-room meal, chicken breast with skin

el pollo loco 4 piece chicken meal
Courtesy of El Pollo Loco

By 1 chicken breast, no side: 220 calories, 9 g of grease (2.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 620 mg of sodium, 0 g of carbohydrates (0 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 36 g protein

The 4-room meal is the largest plate in this menu section, which means it also contains the largest amount of calories and sodium. When you add to the sides and a drink, this meal becomes too much food for one person to finish cheerfully in one session. Pieces of chicken only total 880 calories! If you order this, you must share it with some other people.


Best: black bean bowl

el pollo loco chicken black bean bowl
Courtesy of El Pollo Loco

460 calories, 11 g of grease (2.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 1180 mg of sodium, 57 g of carbohydrates (19 g of fiber, 6 g of sugar), 37 g of protein

The bowl of black chicken grains, which is also presented on the category less than 500, is a fairly balanced meal with proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The dish contains 37 grams of protein, which is as much as you get to eat nearly four portions ofGreek yogurt. In addition, Burak notes that the lawyer adds a healthy fat to the meal of satiety.

Worse: double salad of chicken tostada

el pollo loco double chicken tostada salad
Courtesy of El Pollo Loco

1000 calories, 49 g of fat (12 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 1730 mg of sodium, 79 g carbohydrates (10 g of fiber, 6 g of sugar), 61 g protein

The double chicken Tostada Salad sounds like a good idea, right? You hear the words "double chicken" and "salad" and it looks like a nutritious homeru. Still think. This salad contains 1,000 calories, which equates to about 10 servings of popcorn. And consume that many calories in a meal is never your best option.

Burritos and Quesadillas

Best: BRC Original Burrito

el pollo loco original brc burrito
Courtesy of El Pollo Loco

410 calories, 11 g of grease (5 g of saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 1000 mg of sodium, 61 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fiber, <1 g of sugar), 14 g protein

The original BRC Burrito has 410 calories, which corresponds to about half of the quantity (but still an appropriate part) like any other burrito on the menu. In addition, with 14 grams of protein, it can be a satisfied meal.

Worst: Chipotle Chicken Lawyer Burrito

el pollo loco chipotle avocado burrito
Courtesy of El Pollo Loco

900 calories, 40 g of grease (15 g saturated grease, 0.5 g of trans grease), 2310 mg of sodium, 86 g of carbohydrates (9 g of fiber, 47 g of sugar), 47 g protein

Chicken Chipotle Lawado Burrito sounds innocent enough, but you look at a 900 calorie envelope with 2,310 milligrams of sodium, which equates to a whole day of salt. When you add a handle of chips and guac, the number of calories could easily add to the amount you need a whole day. You will choose to choose another burrito instead.

Worst: the Chicken Lawyer Suresadilla Suresadilla

el pollo loco chicken avocado overstuffed quesadilla
Courtesy of El Pollo Loco

940 Calories, 59 g of grease (23 g saturated grease, 0.5 g of trans fat), 1830 mg of sodium, 60 g carbohydrates (6 g of fiber, sugar of 3 g), 47 g of protein

The "overestimated" part of thisQuesadilla said everything. It is filled with 940 calories and more than 1,800 milligrams of sodium, which is more than enough so that two people share. Because this is the only choice of the Quescadilla section of the menu, Burak recommends you to divide it with a friend and get a salad on the side.

RELATED:The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.

Less than 500

Best: Double Chicken Lawyer Salad

el pollo loco double chicken avocado salad
Courtesy of El Pollo Loco

370 calories, 15 g of grease (5 g of saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 900 mg of sodium, 14 g of carbohydrates (6 g of fiber, 6 g sugar), 48 g protein protein

The double chicken avocado salad is the clear winner of this menu because it contains 370 calories and 14 grams of carbohydrates, which is only on a portion and an amount appropriate for a meal. "You can add some tokens with this meal to make it even tastier and always in a suitable calorie count," says Burak. Moreover, with 48 grams of protein, eating this equates to nearly three portions ofLentils.

Worst: Chicken Lawyer Torilla Wrap

el pollo loco chicken avocado tortilla wrap
Courtesy of El Pollo Loco

480 calories, 19 g of grease (7 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 1 140 mg of sodium, 46 g of carbohydrates (9 g of fibers, 4 g of sugar), 34 g protein

Chicken lawyer tortilla just makes the cut of 500 calories, arriving at 480 calories. Although the number of calories is still low, the sodium content is almost half of the recommended daily allowance. With 1,140 milligrams of sodium, the finish of this supposed "healthy" option would be like eating nearly five portions of fries.


Best: Grand Brocali

el pollo loco broccoli
Courtesy of El Pollo Loco

60 calories, 0.5 g of grease (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 55 mg of sodium, 11 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 3 g of sugar), 5 g protein

"Vegetables will always give you the most nutrient Bang for your money," says Burak. Vegetables are the key to providing the largest volume and nutrition for the least calories. You can even add on the large portion of broccoli to any meal and that extra fat and sodium are minimal.

Worst: Grand Mac and Cheese

el pollo loco mac and cheese
Courtesy of El Pollo Loco

770 calories, 48 ​​g of fat (25 g saturated grease, 1 g of trans grease), 2,180 mg of sodium, 60 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 9 g of sugar), 23 g protein

Hornic in nearly 800 calories, this side is actually quite substantial to be a single meal. And with 2,180 milligrams of sodium, this adds to the same amount of sodium as nearly four portions of spam. No thanks!

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