5 quick restore menu changes that you will see this year

The post-pandemic world promises to be rich in menu innovations.

Like the wanic pandemic,Fast food chain try to maintain theimpetus they enjoyed for 2020when the locks and the disappearance of full-service restaurants contributed to aRenaissance Fast Food.

But 2021 turns out to be a different beast. For one, we dared to hope that the end of the pandemic is in sight, and this optimism is reflected in the way fast food chains plan their menus, prices and digital innovation. For another, the reopening of dining rooms means that full service restaurants can officially return to the scene. Sense? Recent popularity catering chains have been appreciated could soon arrive at the end ... So the battle to capture - and keep your attention will be more fervent than ever.

Here are some of the biggest changes you will get on the fast food menus in the coming months, because we spend a new post-pandemic world in which restaurant competition is more cutthroat than ever. And for more, do not miss the6 most expensive chicken sandwiches with popular fast food chains.


The menus become bigger

mcdonalds menu

Having wonA new perspective on simplicity During the pandemic, fast food chains can never go back to their pre-pandemic methods to think of their menu items. Cutting foods to rationalize operations have proved to be a winning formula for channels such as McDonald's and Taco Bell, who has seenImprovement of training speeds andSuccess of new menu offers Therefore.

But now, with the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine, a growing number of companies are starting to look beyond the pandemic by launching new products. OfNew pizza offers And the chicken sandwich war rage with aIncreasing number of participants to a real spectacularLimited time offers launched this spring, the chains begin to throw caution in the wind. Expect to see more and more menus throughout the board, because these legacy brands are fighting for your dollar.

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Factory-based options go even more public

iced shaken espresso brown sugar oatmilk
Graceful Starbucks

Although many fast food chains have already skipped on the tendency of herbal proteins, a much more innovation innovation can be expected in the category while alternative meats become pillars on fast food menus and Grocery shelves.Starbucks, for example, wrote aA GREAT PARTNERSHIP WITH OATLY This year, causingNew herbal drinks to be added to their nationwide menus. After his successBeyond the sandwich at breakfast sausage,Dunkin ' Simply add another sandwich to herbal breakfast with a black bean cake made byFarms Morningstar.

Taco Bell's Bell's parent companyYum! Brands and McDonald's are both locked up in partnerships with beyond meat, which will accelerate their plant-based protein companies. McDonald's announced the release of his first herbal burger,McPlant, later this year, whileTaco Bell's A little more mom on their plans, but promises a "new innovative plant-based protein that will be tested in the next year." With regard to Fast Food Options without meat, plants and vegetarians are finally invited to the party, but meat eaters will also benefit from spread.


Chicken sandwiches are the new hamburger

mcdonalds deluxe crispy chicken
McDonald's courtesy

Everyone and their mother know the chicken sandwich stole the spotlights from the fast hamburger. WhileSome new hamburgers I appeared on the stage this year, the real show in most burger channels is now the chicken sandwich. First-first brandsChick-wire and pockets Continue to enjoy the popularity of their top of Pack offers, whileKFC and McDonald's, for example, has announced major improvements on their long-standing chicken sandwich classics.

But the fried chicken comes out of his sandwich box and jumps in all kinds of articles. Taco Bell, for example, recently launched a fried chickenHybrid Taco Sandwich, The small caesars tests chicken chicken pieces of mordanted size likepizza trimwhile in Dunkin ', the fried chicken found a path inA new sandwich at breakfast. Expect things to become even closer and more interesting in the field of crisp chicken this year, as chains try to excel each other.


Prices are higher than ever ... and likely to stay in this way

Fast food worker taking order
Sorbis / Shutterstock

According toNew government data, Fast food prices have undergone the highest inflation rate since 2008 and are now much higher than they were a year ago. There are several reasons for that. For one, the demand for takeover and fast delivery services has increased a major increase in the pandemic, so that incremental price increases in rapid catering chains are less likely to threaten the livelihoods of these types of companies.

McDonalds, for example, which has traditionally been the destination for low cost value options in fast food, started atIncrease the prices of its classic articles In recent years, because the chain realized that the abolition of the cheapest items did not really hurt its sales, according toRestaurant Business. The prices of happy meals are alsolikely to increase for the first time in decades, As the company has announced, they no longer subsidize happily meals at the businesses franchised as of this year.

Another factor affecting rapid restoration pricing is an increase in fast food salaries. Keeping non-anchored workers and matching higher wages in companies such as Walmart, Target and Costco, chains have been forced to raise menu prices and offset the difference. Unfortunately, all this will affect customers, and you can expect the increase in rapid restoration prices to be a long-term effect of the pandemic.


You will get the best customer experience if you use the application

el pollo loco
El Pollo Loco / Facebook

In an increasingly digitized world of fast food, channels want you to start using their applications. For one, customersVisit more often and spend more By visiting when ordering through their smartphones. For another, it is a simple and effective way for restaurants to collect valuable data on their clientele to advertise, innovate and operate more efficiently. Although all this is true before the pandemic, the need for easy contactless transactions has kicked the need for the use of the high gear application.

And in exchange for using the application, fast food chains will offer youCustom discounts, Commander of suggestions, new and improvedLoyalty programs, and evenCheaper delivery options. So, even if you give up at the fast food rarely, it is cost-effective to place your order through your phone and fully enjoy the benefits of being a customer.

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