McDonald's is secretly made this frustrating change in store, guests say

To the detriment of customers and employees.

As customers start coming back to restaurant dining and in-person control rooms, a frustrating feature of digital menu planks toMcDonalds The restaurants come to light. As you probably know, these digital screens mounted above the meter turns between different items and menu sections. According to a Twitter user, the rotation of these screens now includes something other frequent ads.

"Wow. McDonald's now blocks the whole menu to show an ad at around for every minute. Great design. Makes it really easy to order." frustratedtweet per user @gusbuckets. While the Tweet itself dates back to 2019, he recently pushed a lively discussion on Reddit, where thousands of users echoed their consternation to the use of the digital menu technology chain.

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For one, the menu block with ads allows you to place a more difficult command because customers must wait longer than the content coil finally puts the menu section they wish. As some rediscovers emphasize, it may slow down the service, especially during busy times.

Another frustration that fans have with digital menu cards are the fact that they do not always have any prices. While McDonald's is known for the overlap oflower end price spectrum for fast food, the exact pricing of items can vary from location to the location. Not to mention, the frequent inclusion of newLimited time offers andFeatured Offers Make it more difficult to gauge how much you actually spend when you order.

So what is the agreement, McDonald's? Why obscure your menu with ads of your own food? We are already attractive and ready to place an order. The reditors speculate this can be a tactic whose goal is twofold. For one, McDonald's was able to try to reduce our decision time with the hope that we will think with our stomach instead of logging logically the value of the elements. (And here7 sneaky McDonald ways allows you to spend more.)

Others think that the channel wants to transform customers from other digitized control methods, such as SAmobile app or self-ordinary kiosks.

Have you had trouble ordering digital menu planks? Or another change from McDonald does it bother you? Let us know [email protected]. And do not forget toSubscribe to our newsletter To get all the latest news from the restaurant delivered directly in your inbox.

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