Why you should never order the Filet-O-Fish at McDonald's
According Comments Reddit, this is Mickey D menu item that costs the least of them.

McDonalds might be known for its big Macfamous fries People constantly control, but have you ever thought about the menu item you would like to avoid the giant fast food? According Reddit, this food is not as popular as Mickey D controls most emblematic. It can therefore sit in a warm area until you order it. Does not sound too appetizing, is not it?
What should I menu item ever ordered at McDonald's?
According to former or current self-identifiedMcDonald's employees toReddit, the number onemenu item you should never order Giant fast food is actuallyFilet-O-Fish.
What was the reason?
A user onReddit Says it all: "For three years I worked there, but I can promise you that the Fish Filet-O-Fish is not fresh by any stretch of the imagination." Yikes.
Another user also said. "At McDonald's just say that you want a baked fish fillet to order will take approximately 5 minutes, but worth compared to the net that was in the closet heated for hours. "
Order fish fillet that is sitting in a hot cabinet for a while? We will ask and fresh fillet. Note!
Another Reddit user has shared their experiences once the golden arches, "Let the sandwich net where fish is the reason why I do not eat at McDonald same I ordered it and I '. saw the driver enter one that was in the warm serving and Pop [it] in the microwave and serve me. "

Fish Filet-O-Fish is certainly not the most popular sandwich at McDonald's, as you can imagine. Along withgreat mac And the quarter pound with cheese reigning supreme on the menu board, it is not surprising that the alternative of the fish does not get as much attention. Also, how often are you trying to order seafood when you are in a fast food restaurant known for its burgers? Not often, right? You probably would go to Long John Silver's instead.
A spokesman for McDonald commentedthe sun online"While we always strive to prepare freshly preparatory orders, the convenience of customers, there are times - such as during peak hours - when we prepare the ingredients in advance."
It makes sense why the fish fillet-o-fish does not appear to be done as often as hamburgers, but at the same time, maybe fewer of them can be prepared early in the day so they are not just sitting in a hot cabinet for hours on end? Just our thinking.
Why even sell the Filet-O-Fish if it is not as popular?
The story behind the net-o-fish itself is fascinating. It was created in an attempt to maintain sales during Lent, which is the period of 40 days occurs between Ash Wednesday and Easter. This is fairly typical of Catholics participating in this religious observance to give up meat on Fridays. As a result, fish Filet-O-Fish was McDonald's response and it is a success during this time of year. In 2016, McDonald's even said that25% of all sandwiches Fish-O-Net sold during Lent.
So if you have a hankering for the sandwich, make sure to request that the sandwich is cooked to order as what the user suggests Reddit!
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