Healthy grilled chicken fajitas recipe

If you like Mexican food but not calories and fats, these fajitas are for you!

If you like Mexican food but not calories and fats, these fajitas of theZero cooking belly are for you! They are only 257 calories with 29 grams of protein!


Made 4 servings

20 skinless chicken breasts without skin without skin
2 c. Soup mixture of Mexican spices (see recipe below)
1 large white onion, cut into ½ inch thick rings
2 large red peppers, cut into ½ inch thick bands
2 leaves of lettuce bibb
½ cup salsa (see recipe below) or purchased store
1 cup of guacamole (see recipe below)

How to do it

1. Heat a grill or grid on high heat.

2. Rub the chicken with the spice mix. Let stand for 5 minutes.

3. Place the chicken breasts on the grill using a pair of pliers and let yourself be rest until marking, 3 to 4 minutes. Neighborhood turns the chicken on the same side and repeat. Turn chicken breasts and let yourself sit on the grill, not disturbed, for 3 to 4 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, place the onion rings and peppers on the grill.

5. Turn a quarter of the chicken on the same side and cook for 3 to 4 minutes more. Pull the grill chicken and let rest.

6. Turn onions and peppers a few times, until tender.

7. Cut the grilled chicken breasts into strips. Place the chicken strips and grilled vegetables on a tray and serve, family style, with "wraps" bibb, salsa and guacamole lettuce leaves.

Nutrition:257 calories / 10 g of grease / 17 g carbohydrates / 6 g fiber / 29 g protein

Zero belly cook recipe recipe: Mexican spice mix


½ cup yield

2½ tablespoon of Chile powder
1 C. Kosher salt tea
Cumin of 2 tbsp.
4 c. Onion powder tea
4 c. Garlic powder tea

How to do it

1. Mix spices in a small bowl to combine.

2. Store in a glass jar away from direct sunlight for a maximum month.

Nutrition by c.26 Calories / 2.5 g of grease / 1 g of carbohydrates / 0 g fiber / 0 g protein

Zero belly cook recipe recipe: Guacamole


Give 3 cups

3 lawyers, cut in half, well removed, peeled and cubes
1 C. Kosher salt tea
Juice of 1 lime
½ cup red onion, finely diced
2 plum tomatoes, dice cut
¼ cup of cool coriander coarsely chopped

How to do it

1. Add the lawyer, salt and fresh lime juice into a medium bowl. Use the back of a fork to crush the ingredients up to lump.

2. Incorporate the remaining ingredients with a rubber spatula. Seers immediately.

Nutrition ½ cup:64 calories / 6 g of grease / 4 g of carbohydrates / 3 g fiber / 1 g protein



Give 2 cups

5 ripe plum tomatoes in quarters
¼ red onion, finely sliced
1 Jalapeño, divided into two, veins and seeds removed
8 Sprigs Cilantro Fresh
3 garlic cloves, crushed
Juice of 1 lime

How to do it

1. Place all the ingredients in the bowl of a culinary robot and pulse until roughly reached.

2. Serve immediately or store in a non-BPA container in the refrigerator for 4 days.

Nutrition Per 2 tablespoon:5 calories / 0 g of grease / 1 g of carbohydrates / o g fiber / 0 g protein

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