This side effect of Covid led the CEO of Texas Roadhouse suicide

Tinnitus can be a symptom Covid along and be relentless.

The founder of Texas Roadhouse and CEO Kent Taylor died Thursday 65, in his hand. "After a battle withpost-coovid Related symptoms, including severe tinnitus, Kent Taylor took his own life this week, "his family said." Kent fought and fought hard as the former way champion he was, but the suffering that has greatly intensified in recent days became unbearable. "What happened is a tragedy. And as a doctor, I know that means how seriously we have to take a long timeCOVID syndrome. It must be addressed with dramatic research funds to prevent this from happening again.

Post-coocovid symptoms such as tinnitus must be taken seriously

Coronavirus has now been linked to many long-term complications, such as pulmonary damage, but there are also several reports of psychiatric and neurological disorders. There is even an official term for this: a post-acute infection SARS-COV-2 SARS-COV-2 (PASC).

Developing a hearing loss or tinnitus as a complication of a CIVID-19 infection has not been tried to predict, but some patients can develop later. The complete scientific explanation is still not completely understood.

Still in October 2020, the medical newspaperBMJ case reports published acase studyFrom a 45-year-old British man who has developed tinnitus and a sudden hearing loss in an ear after becoming sick critic with COVID-19.

Autopsyreportshave detected the virus in the bones of the middle ear. And in thiscase reportA German man experienced acute and deep hearing loss after developing Covid-19 pneumonia.

Interesting, a UKinvestigationfound that nearly 1 self-reported self-reported coronavirus patients either hearing loss at the audition or 8 weeks later.

In other words, the long-term hearing implications of coronaviruses as well as the long-term understanding of the risks, on the audio-vestibular system are not entirely understood. We need to considerably finance Long Covid research. Millions of Americans suffer from silence today, perplexed and without help.

Why tinnitus can be so implacable

Tinnitus is a condition in which a person hears sounds that are not perceived external. It can be an acute piercing like a siren, it may seem like waves of the ocean or can be pulsatile with a beat.

Many people who suffer tinnitus say that it is more remarkable in difficult situations, as trying to sleep and can lead a person to have unpredictable behaviors.

The human equilibrium system is complex and the vestibular system is part of our sense of balance. This involves three main systems working with the brain:

1)Vestibular systemIn the internal ear sensors for equilibrium: In the bone behind each ear, we have a set of 5 small sensors, similar to gyroscopes on electronic devices.

2)Visual system: Our vision indicates not only the brain What movements we do with our head but, more importantly, we help ourselves feel stable when we move their heads.

3)Proprioceptive system: A large system in our body composed of millions of small sensors on our skin and muscles. This gives us the feeling of our body in space.

These three systems send information on the movements to the equilibrium centers in the brain trunk, part of our brain at the back of the neck. Thus, tinnitus can cause ringer or acute noise, but also a vertiginous vertigo and disorienting.

Why long covid can be so disruptive

We studied these data for less than a year. However, until now, it suggests that the primary attack of the coronavirus is in the nose, in the nasal epithelium, which is the skin layer of the skin of the cells charged with expressing odors.

It seems that the assault ways of viruses support cells and stem cells in the nose, but not neurons directly, which does not mean that neurons can not be affected.

These cells maintain balance and signal the brain. In some patients, once infected Covid, this balance is disturbed and leads to a closed neuronal signaling and therefore smell. The cells also provide support to keep the cilia in the nose where odors from receptors located. If the virus disrupts these Cilia, you lose the ability to feel.

Tinnitus is usually caused by an underlying disease, such as hearing loss related to age, injury to the ear or a problem with the circulatory system. For many people, tinnitus improve with treatment of the underlying cause or with other treatments that reduce or mask the noise, making them less noticeable tinnitus. This affects about 15% to 20% of people and is particularly common in the elderly. Now with Long Covid, it could be more.

What if you have tinnitus, the CDC says

"Make an appointment to see your doctor if:

  • You develop tinnitus after an upper respiratory infection such as a cold and your tinnitus does not improve within a week.

Consult your doctor as soon as possible if:

  • You have hearing loss or vertigo with tinnitus.
  • You experience anxiety or depression as a result of your tinnitus. "

And through this pandemic without catching Coronavirus, do not miss this essential list: Things you should never do before your vaccine

Dr. Leo Nissola is a doctor, a scientist and a medical advisor immunotherapy. Follow him on Twitter @Leonissolamd and on Instagram @Doctorleo .

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