Healthy Nacho Chou-flower Tostadas

Herbal cauliflower cakes are the ideal base for Nacho trim.

You can top these little onescauliflower Tostadas with everything you want. Feelawyer, some shreddingsbarbecue chicken, or a tank ofsalsa For a tasty aperitif. No mood for southwestern flavors? Ditch pepper pepper and seasoning and substitute Gruyère and chopped rosemary.

Made 24 Tostadas


4 cups of average cauliflower cabbage flower
1 1/2 cup cubic cheese pepper
3 tablespoons with tacos seasoning
1/4 cup of leaves of fresh chopped coriids
1/2 cup of vegan or salsa queso
1 lawyer, cut into cubes

How to do it

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 ℉. Line 2 cooking sheets with parchment paper. Define a graph in the middle and one under the grill.
  2. Using the cutting blade on your culinary robot, do a handle of florets at one time for about 30 seconds, until it is completely understood in the meal consistency. Transfer the meal to a flat and thin dish towel or a piece of cheese guy and continue this process until all the jewels are chopped. Do this in two or three lots; If you put all the jewels in the culinary robot at the same time, they will not have grues uniformly.
  3. Once all the meal is in the dishwasher, gather the corners and, working on the sink, get as much liquid as possible. Put the cauliflower in a big bowl.
  4. Rinse rapidly the culinary robot (it is not necessary to be perfectly clean) and add cubic cheese. Process for about 20 seconds, up to chopped.
  5. Add the chopped cheese to cabbage flour bowl with Taco and Cilantro seasoning (save a little to use as a garnish). Use a rubber spatula to mix everything together.
  6. Work in batches to cook Tostadas. Use a spoon with ice cream (or tablespoon) to make eight 2-inch (5 cm) balls of the cauliflower mixture and place them on prepared cooking sheets, about 5 cm (about 5 cm). Use a spatula to flatten the balls. Use your fingers to reformat flattened balls in circles as needed.
  7. Cook for 18 to 20 minutes, then grilling at the top for 2 minutes, until golden brown. Remove from the oven and cook the second batch. Leave each batch cool on the pastry plate for 5 minutes, then transfer to a cooling crack. Use the first cookware for the third batch of Tostadas and repeat until the three batches are cooked.
  8. Top the Tostadas with a certain queso or salsa, lawyer and more Cilantro for the garnish. Tostadas are better eaten immediately.

RELATED: Easy, healthy recipe ideas, 350 calories that you can do at home.

Extract ofPower of cauliflower By Lindsay Grimes Freedman (artisanal books). Copyright © 2019. Photographs of Lauren Volo.

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