Burger King's Tone-Deaf Tweet gets a major dam

The chain has been criticized for the sexism of the International Women's Day.

AsBurger King learned this week, the Hell Road is paved with good intentions. While promoting his scholarship initiative for female leaders, the chain has been widely criticized for sexism - and International Women's Day, no less.

In the center of the controversy is a tweet of March 8 sent by Burger King U.K. King. "Women belong to the kitchen". The sexist currency before the age presented the rapid catering chain campaign aimed at drawing attention to the gender gap in the restaurant industry.

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Alone20% of chief positions In the United States, are filled with women, according to Burger King. In order to help bridge the gap, the channel has created a scholarship program.

But Burger King is out of context Tweet of a wealth of controversy onFacebook andTwitter. When using the shock value, the oldest advertising game tour, Misogyny never ends.

"Wow not only is it a crazy attempt to try to be cheeky, BK UK only chatting on the back to give" scholarships "for" scholarships "for culinary degrees - what they really want to say That they pay themselves to train more employees for their shit restaurants. There is nothing noble about anything in this ad, especially the sexist joke, "wrote a Facebook user.

Others sought to defend the chain. "I do not know what everyone is so upset. I think he's intelligent. They literally help women to pursue culinary degrees and who have been upset," said another commentator.

While Burger King initially doubled on his remarks, his world marketing officer Iron Machado finally tweeted the brand was "actually sorry" about the fake. "The intention of the activity is really good," he added.

As of today, Burger King King U.K. has removed the Tweet and has published excuses. "We had our first Tweet Tweet bad and we're sorry," wrote the chain. "Our goal was to draw attention to the fact that only 20% of professional leaders at U.K. Cuisines are women and helping change this by attributing culinary scholarships. We will do better next time."

For more, discover9 controversies of the largest McDonald of 2020. And do not forget toSubscribe to our newsletter To get all the latest news from the restaurant delivered directly in your inbox.

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