5 commands of Apple-Belly Applebee

What's better than eating delicious food from Applebee? Noshing on the free and delicious cuisine of Applebee's, of course!

Tomorrow, July 21, the rapid casual chain will offer sampler plates of its new shrimp of Sriracha (720 calories, 2,360 milligrams of sodium) and the Churro (640 calories, 72 grams of sugar). But that of Applebee is not only to distribute meals to be kind; They rely on you to order a meal over your free tasting size applications. If you plan to deliver you to one of the new non-sophisticated applications, it is all the more important as you order a healthy main course - especially if you are trying tolosing weight.

To help you stay on track tomorrow and at any other time you find yourself in the chain, we have followed the best dishes for your size and health, and they are not all in the "Have All" menu like You could expect. Although many of our choices below are a little higher insalt That we ideally recommend, they are always the best options in the menu. If you try to reduce sodium, make sure to treat the Applebee as a treatment once and has it by following or follow our personalization suggestions for each dish.

applebees grilled chicken caesar salad

Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad Half Size and Oven Potatoes

740 calories, 46 g of grease, 17 g saturated grease, 1,010 mg sodium, 53 g of carbohydrates, 6 g of fiber, 5 g sugar, 31 g protein

Fiber and protein in this meal are safe to stay satisfied for hours. Do not be shocked to see us recommend a baked potato. Although the SPU has a bad rap, it serves a good amount of potassium and vitamin C, a nutrient that can fight stress and help weight loss.

Personalize: To keep calories and fat at a minimum, turn off the fittings such as sour cream and bacon bits, and enjoy your oven-cooked spud with healthy cardiac olive oil mass (Applebee A-T -He on hand, ask) and pepper. Our calculations include Caesar vinaigrette, but asking that on the side will win more fat and additional calories.

applebees pepper cursted sirloin

Sirloin crust with pepper and whole grains

350, 10 g of grease, 4 g of saturated grease, 1,540 mg of sodium, 41 g of carbohydrates, 6 g of fiber, 7 g of sugar, 28 g protein

SAGE-SAGE It's hard to go wrong with a pepper crust swelling. Applebee serves the low-fat and iron cut of iron on an entire grain bed with some sauteedspinachThe roasted tomatoes of Portobellos and grapes (a fruit filled with lycopene, an antioxidant that decreases the risk of coronary artery disease and various types of cancers), and the terraine everything with a light broth.

Personalize: For Nix part of the salt, tell your server that you want the broth to be served on the side and ask that they do not sprinkle with salt on your meat.

applebees napa chicken and portobellos

Napa Chicken & Portobellos

500 calories 16 g of grease, 4 g sat, 1 610 mg sodium, 38 g of carbohydrates, 5 g fiber, 12 g sugar, 50 g protein

To create this low calorie dish, the leaders cover Portobello mushrooms, onions and chicken breasts filled with protein with a red wine sauce and parmesancheese. It is served alongside the jumped zucchini, grilled peppers (a vegetable that is rich in metabolism-boosting composed of dihydrocapsiate) and the red potato (one of the most satisfied plants of the alley of products), which Ensures the dish provides a vitamin alphabet.

Personalize: Ask your server to keep the cheese and get the sauce on the side. This will have some of the sodium caused by Bloat.

applebees cedar salmon

Saun Savory Salmon

540 calories, 32 g of fat, 8 fat sat, 1 810 mg of sodium, 24 g carbohydrate without carbohydrates, 6 g of fiber, 42 sugar, 42 g protein

Salmon is not only rich in omega-3, healthy fat struggling against metabolism - slow down inflammation, but also a large source of protein, a nutrient that increases after the meal.calorie up to 35%. We like this dish infused cedar comes with one side of vegetables and potatoes cooked steamed, but we are not fans of its high number of sodium.

Personalize: Since salt tends to hide in sauces and gaps, ask if the chef can go light on the sauce or give it to the side. If they give it to the side, make sure you cut after a light drizzle.

applebees hourse salad

Tomato tumbling soup of lunch size and balsamic honey home salad

470 calories, 30 g of grease, 10.5 g of saturated grease, 1,450 mg of sodium, 39 g of carbohydrates, 5 g fiber, 23 g of sugar, 12 g protein

This soup and salad room can be ordered in most places of Applebee from Monday to Friday until 3 m. Although there are tons ofPad And eluting elitaries, our suggested combination prevents a minimum of sodium and calories and serves a solid boost of stimulating proteins.

Personalize: To cut fat and calories more, ask for the vinaigrette on the side and blut only on a tablespoon or two.

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Photo credit: Applebee's & DcwCreations / Shutterstock.co m

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