Dr. Fauci has just published this alarming warning

"Things will get worse."

This week, six states saw an increase of 400% ofCOVID cases, like the variant of Delta proves, in the words of the CDC, as contagious as chickenpox and 100 million Americans have still beenvaccinated. Concerned for your living stay,Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, appeared onThis weekyesterday to ring the alarm. Read six pieces of economic advice from life - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Dr. Fauci warned that "things are getting worse"

Man is lying on bed amidst essential workers.

"I do not think we're going to see Lock-communes. I think we have enough of the percentage of people in the country, not enough to crush the epidemic, but I believe enough not to allow us to enter the situation we were in last winter, but "said Dr. FaCi," Things will get worse. If you look at the acceleration of the number of cases, the seven-day average increased substantially. You know what we really need To do; we say it again and again. And it is the truth. We have a hundred million people in this country that are eligible to be vaccinated, which are not vaccinated. We see an epidemic of inactivinity. "


Dr. Fauci said these people are extremely vulnerable

Patient refuses to take vaccination.

"You want people to be vaccinated. The vaccines do what they are supposed to do. They protect to become seriously sick requiring hospitalizations, and perhaps even dying. However, when you have people no vaccinated to be infected, you spread the dynamics of the epidemic, which finally affects everyone from the point of view of having to wear masks, from the point of view of the safety of children at school, from the point. to be able to open the way we were normal. So yes, from the point of view of illness, hospitalization, suffering and death, the non-vaccinated are the most vulnerable because the vaccinated are protected serious diseases for the most part. But when you look at the country as a whole and you find ourselves at normal, not vaccinated by not being vaccinated, allowing the spread and propagation of the epidemic, which finally has an impact on everyone. "

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Mr. Fauci said that's why and where even vaccinated people should wear a mask

Cowboy with kerchief mask and glasses practices social distancing during the Coronavirus crisis.

"Masks for the change entirely vaccinated - the change and modification of the directive, which was formally, if you were completely vaccinated, you do not need to wear a mask inside or outside. Change, As we know now, is it even if you are fully vaccinated, when you are in an inner framework, in an area of ​​the country that has a high degree or a degree of high transmissibility, what we know is orange and The red areas, you should wear a mask. "This includes states such as Florida and Alabama and Texas.

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Dr. Faisci said he expects "revolutionized" infections

Ill woman lying in bed looking at thermometer suffering from seasonal flu and infectious disease

"There are revolutionized infections compared to vaccinations - we have to expect any vaccine to be an effective one hundred percent - but in revolutionary infections, they are mainly light or symptoms. While the non-vaccinated who have Many, many, much greater risk of being infected in the first place or those who are vulnerable to serious illness likely to cause hospitalization, "said Dr. Façi." And in some cases death. So we do not seek, I think to lock, but we are looking for pain and suffering in the future because we see the cases rise, that's why we continue to say again and again, The solution to this is vaccinated and it would not happen. "


Mr. Fauci said you could broadcast the virus if you were vaccinated and that you had an infection - as much as someone who is not vaccinated

"Even if you are actually vaccinated, it has much more to do with transmission in the direction of, we now know that there are such unusual situations they are, but they happen. We hear about them all Time because not the vaccine is a hundred percent effective, which means in high volume infection areas, vaccinated people will be infected. Thank you for kindness for the most part, they will not be seriously sick. They will generally be asymptomatic. or slightly symptomatic. But we know we know now, with this variant of very difficult delta, it is different from the alpha variant in a very important way. And the important way is that it is much more transmissible. And when you are infected even if you do not have symptoms, the level of the virus in the nasopharynx is quite high. And in fact, recent studies have shown that the level of virus in the nasopharynx of a person E vaccinated that may not be symptomatic or slightly symptomatic is identical to a non-vaccinated person. We know that vaccinated, asymptomatic and slightly infected symptomatic people can disseminate infection. So, you want him to be a mask so that, if in fact they are infected, they do not spread it to vulnerable people. "

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Mr. Fauci says exercising your personal right not to be vaccinated put other humans who are not an unnecessary risk

Young woman taking a vaccine from her doctor.

"The fact is that there are things that are individual responsibilities that we have, and there are things that have to do with you individually, which also affects others and the spread of the infection we find, "said Dr. FaCi," has an impact on everyone in the country. So, although you want to respect a person's individual right when you are dealing with a public health situation. , with a virus that has an extraordinary capacity for the rapid and efficient propagation of the person - the individual decision of a person not only a mask not only impacts because if they are infected, even if they say, "It's my decision. If I'm infected, I'm worried about it. 'But the fact is that if you are infected, even if you are without symptoms, you risk very good to infect another person which can be vulnerable, which can be seriously ill. So you empha You are on their individual rights because you are making them vulnerable. You can therefore assert this situation both senses. "So, be vaccinated as soon as possible, where a mask in high-risk areas, and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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