Can the end of summer time cause weight gain?

Do not let this extra hour of sleep sabotage your flat belly goals ...

In addition to crispy autumn air, picking apple, pumpkin - everything, and of course, shorter days - all thanks to the end of summer time. When setting up the clock, an hour may not seem like a big deal, it can have a considerable impact on our sleep cycle and our mood-two factors that can affect your weight.

If you notice that you are more gray than usual in the coming weeks, it can be because you get less sun in your life. In some cases, the lack of light of rich vitamin D can cause a disorder calledseasonal emotional disorder (SAD), but even people who do not have sadness can feel symptoms of seasonal blues, who range from depression and fatigue to lack of motivation. It means healthy habits such as hitting the gym or preparing home-cooked meals for the next week, may seem more trying - or something you are entitled, you just do not want to do.

This is worse: the beginning of the darkness and an extra hour of Shuteeye can also disrupt your sleep cycle, leaving your body feeling asleep, stressed and want carbohydrates. But while you can be tempted to appease you by finishing with a pint of rocky ice cream, giving a temptation on the REG could result in weight gain.

Fortunately, there are some simple diet adjustments that you can do to stay on the right track throughout the fall and winter. First and foremost, choose foods that help stabilize blood glucose and keep your desires for verification. Oatmeal, berries and roasted vegetables of cinnamon correspond to the invoice. Foods rich inhealthy fats Like raw nuts, lawyer and coconut, as well as foods rich in vitamin D like eggs and enriched milk - are also intelligent diet additions. The reason: These foods can increase serotonin levels, good hormone that can help fight winter blues and weight gain. For even more ways to stay on the track through the cold months, check these20 spring foods to help remedy the weight of your winter.

Categories: Weight Loss
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