How did these people lose 20 books-books-fast

With regard to weight loss, the food you choose to put in your mouth are 80% responsible. And if you heard it once, you heard it a thousand times: "You can not get out - Exercise of a bad diet."

Weight loss is equal to lower calorie calories spent. Scientifically, this should be simple: if you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. However, we all know that it takes a ton of self-discipline, sacrifice, perseverance, sweating and sometimes tears just to scintil your thin jeans or hit these magic numbers. Keeping weight is another other challenge - and the one that tends to be much harder to navigate. So, how do you lose 20 pounds (or more) pounds and continue it? You regularly walk on the scale, plan your meals, your exercises and eat these 20 food every day.



Your body needs grease to support cell growth, protect your organs, help the absorption of vital nutrients and produce hormones. This is not a question of not consuming fat, it's a matter of consuming good types. Monoinsaturated fats in good health, like those found in peanut butter, protect your heart, reduce the risk of stroke, keep you longer and you are less likely to be stored as a body fat. Add a tablespoon to your oats, mix it in your smoothie or twin with apple or celery slices. But all brands are not created equal. Make sure to check these36 Best peanut butters classified.




To improve your performance in the gym and combat body inflammation to strengthen your metabolism, coffee is a weight loss clove. Simply make sure to consume it with proteins to counter the secretion of Cortisol, says Dr. Gabrielle Francis, a naturopathic doctor and the author of Rockstar Remedy. This is important because cortisol can reduce the ability of your body to release fat from its stores and can disrupt sleep. Reach meal protein options such as cottage cheese, almonds, seeds or yogurt.


Greek yogurt


Greek yogurt is ultimate weight loss food. It is packed with protein and gut protein, virtually bold, versatile and delicious. Whether you are spoon, use it to marinate, underons for the sure cream or Mayo, or throw it in your mixed drink, you will swell your size and licking your lips.


Citrus fruits


Grapefruit, lemons, oranges ... Where do we start? Citrus fruits are like the secret angels of the size of the size of Victoria, they fly every time. And here is why: they stimulate immunity, help reduce cellulite, to reduce inflammation, to keep you hydrated, to strengthen caloric expenses and disable your body's goals. In fact, a study printed in the newspaperMetabolism I found half of a grapefruit before a meal can reduce belly fat, reduce cholesterol levels and shrink your size up to one inch in just six weeks!



This famous fruit has a proven ability to identify belly fat, lower cholesterol, squash hunger and help you make better food choices, according to the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES), a program Disease control and prevention centers. (CDC). The results of the survey, published in Nutrition Journal, found that eating a medium-sized on-a-on-day-to-day lawyer was strongly correlated with a better quality of global plan. Fortunately, there is no shortage ofLawyer Recipes for Weight Loss!




Parallel to keep your dynamic ghrelin (the hunger hormone), blueberries are truly magical weight loss balls. In fact, researchers at the University of Michigan found that blueberries can help you fry fat stubborn belly. After a 90-day trial, rats fed a diet enriched bilberry showed significantly reduced visceral fat belly than the control group. They also discovered a diet low fat reinforced the health benefits of eating berries. In other words, the rats were fed both blueberries and a diet reduced fat had a body fat mass and total hepatic mass than the control group.



Green tea is no stranger to the world of weight loss. Between frires calories and frying, we are not sure what deserves more attention here. However, if your diet has completely derailed, start sipping on the matter as soon as possible. Chinese researchers found that green tea significantly reduced levels of triglycerides and belly fat in subjects who consumed fatty diets. What else? Brazilian scientists have found that participants who consumed three cups of green tea every day for a week recovered faster after a workout. The more you sweat, the more calories you burn and you paid!



Speaking of foods that help you stay on track with your workout regimen, nuts contain the amino acid L-arginine, which promotes endurance training by increasing blood flow to the muscles. In one study, participants were focused on L-arginine or placebo, and then forced to bike to exhaustion. The results revealed that the non placebo has not only need less oxygen (or energy) to perform, they were also able to perform a high intensity 26% longer cycle. Take a pre-wearing half ounce in your gym bag to reap the benefits.




hemp seeds, chia and flax pumpkin seeds are nothing shy of a power supply. Packed with fiber, essential vitamins and minerals, they make good additions to salads, smoothies, oatmeal oatmeal, yogurt and more!




There is a factor that people do not consider enough when it comes to tipping the scales in your favor: mental health. When we are stressed, anxious or sad, we are not only more likely to achieve a chocolate bar on an apple and jump our training, but our body is more likely to store the food we consume as fat. Fortunately, eggs deliver the nine amino acids (including lysine), which significantly reduces anxiety and stress levels, according to findings published in theActs of the National Academy of Sciences.




As macronutrients, protein is the heart of the weight loss. Consumed properly, it increases satiety, helps build and maintain lean muscle (which burns fat) and can even boost your metabolism up to 30%! However, what proteins and how many are a critical part of the equation. Go for 3-4 ounces of boneless chicken breast without skin, lean cuts of pork, beef fed on grass and free turkey. Packing in as much as 26 grams of protein for less than 150 calories or less, it helps a minor that you never will look more useful.




Packing 17 grams of fiber, 15 grams of protein and no fat saturated by serfdom to a cup, black beans are a major player in the battle of the bulge. Not only do these guys will put your size, they also keep you sharp, thanks to anthocyanins or antioxidant compounds that have been shown to improve brain function. A foggy mind, distracted and a belly rumble never lead anywhere other than the ATM.


Raw oats


The beauty of raw oats is that they contain a resistant starch, and as its name rings, this class of carbohydrates actually resists digestion. What it means for you: prolonged feelings of fullness, a flattering belly, a healthier intestine and a lower body mass. In addition, a study revealed that, in particular a resistant starch with an evening meal, increased by 51% the satiety hormone leptin and removed the hormonal hunger ghèline of 15%, against a meal that included a simple glucide like white bread. It looks like an alarm before reminding you that raw oats tastes a lot like chalk - but they should not. Try to use in the meal or breadth, throw them in your smoothies or break a night oat container.




From Collard Greens, Kale, Spinach and Roman in parsley, footage and chard, the leafy greens are a low way to fill and pack your body with essential nutrients. Curify impressive amounts of vitamin K, b vitamins, fibers, iron, calcium and polyphenols - powerful micronutrients that serve as a role in disease prevention, when you choose to spray these greens or throw them into your Next salad.




Oysters, halibut, tuna and scallops with cod and wild salmon, regular fish consumption can play a key role in the take-off of this spare tire. Rifrive with omega-3s fat and essential minerals, fish is one of the most satisfied forms of proteins. In fact, according to the Common Food Statis Index, an Australian study published in theEuropean clinical nutrition newspaper, Halibut is ranked in the ranking of most of the most filled foods only by boiled potatoes for its fullness factor. And an Australian study comparing the satiety of different animal proteins has found a similar nutritional white fish (Flocon) to be significantly more satisfactory than beef and chicken; Satiety after the white fish meal also decreased at a much slower rate. Tilapia, however, does not fall into this category!


Apple cider vinegar


This waist window can help increase the feeling of satiety, fry belly fat, reduce blood sugar spikes and facilitate healthy digestion. Imagine removing it like Tequila? Add it to your smoothie, use as a salad vinaigrette, wait for meat, washing fruits and vegetables, mix it in your guac or use it in your tea!




Chili peppers contain the removal of appetite, fat burning and abacaic inflammation, making it a vital food, a condiment or seasoning to reach and maintain a healthy weight. The best part? You do not need a lot to harvest the benefits. The research of the University of Purdue revealed to consume a single gram is enough to do the trick. .



The regular consumption of complex fiber carbohydrates is an infallible way to die of stimulating energy and fighting hunger. The next time you feel attempted to tear a bag of spanish fries, grab a medium sweet potato instead. Slice into thin rounds, sprinkle with olive oil and sea salt and cook crisp. Hurry? Nuke ½ Orange veggie and peer with a tablespoon of peanut butter for an attractive belly snack.




With an exceptional balance of fibers, protein and grease, this seed is a guaranteed hunger. Its crunchy texture and its hazelnut flavor make it easy to add almost every meal. Quinoa bowls and perfumes, muffins with salads, soups and desserts, superfood is supremely adaptive.




If there is an element of this list, you start using every day, whether it is it. Olive oil is the glue that contains together a healthy and active body. It is loaded with monocesaturated fats and polyphenols that fight heart disease, reduce inflammation in the body, prevent stroke, reduce the risk of developing diabetes, protecting your brain, treat arthritis and promote the management of the weight. In fact, according to theEuropean clinical nutrition newspaperA three-year study revealed that a diet rich in olive oil increased the levels of antioxidants in the blood and prevented weight gain. Spray it on vegetables with an olive oil sprayer (not the canned stuff) and lie on your salad every chance you get.

Categories: Weight Loss
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