Julie Bowen's tips to eliminate fat fat

Julie Bowen can play a married mother of three children on the modern family Hit Sitcom - and she's a mother of three in real life! - But she looks something other than matrone.

In fact, the thin star and the garnish never runs from wow on the red carpet, in conscious dresses of the body that show his super-carved arms. You want to refine this often embarrassing area of ​​your body or just learn how a mother who works 16 hours is in shape? Continue reading Julie's feeding and fitness tips, then visit our exclusive report that changes thousands of lives:The 50 best weight loss tips Never!

She runs

"A day without running is a day of shit," said BowenRider's world. Although it was once a competitive runner, she today has a much more flexible therapeutic scheme, short burst programming as much time. She told Yahoo Beauty: "I trained for [a marathon], then I really wounded myself, then I decided," I'm going to do what feels good, what gives me the high. So, it means [my race] can be anything. Anything that has half an hour counts. And if I have time, I'm going there just an hour. That's all I can go home. "Do you want to optimize this proven cardio practice that will burn fat and that lean muscle will shine? Consult these experts approved by the expertTips for running for weight loss!

She eats clean ...

Bowen has made eating entire foods a priority for years. "I was always good, healthy eatery," she says. "Nothing treaty, nothing fried." Consistency is the key - "I am a bit of a boring creature usually. I am very consistent in the consumption of Kale."

... but it has a break from having children


Bowen toldRider's world: "I eat healthy, but I'm just as fit to have a bowl of cereals for dinner that I must have, like, chicken and salad. And much depends on what my kids ate and what I eat their plates . My default mode is that I eat salads and chicken quite clean. It was a salad, a salad, a salad, and now its dino bites, peanut butter and jelly, etc. it's good. Some of it is not bad! "

She has a delicious recipe for dinner


"Chicken Marbella is an easy recipe of old school," said BowenHealth. "You take a lot of thighs and legs - delicious dark meat and marinate all day in a giant ziploc bag with prunes, brown sugar, vinegar, olives and leaves of the bay. Then pop-le in The oven for 45 minutes. To a maryland girl, he is very sophisticated to have the sour incidence of olives with the sweetness of prunes. "You want more amazing ideas for a lean-muscle building dinner?35 healthy chicken recipes for weight loss!

She swims


Bowen often takes time for this complete body workout that isolated the arms and she has a turn to fly time. She told Yahoo Beauty: "Swimming is ideal for your body. I also have a waterproof cover for my phone so I can listen to podcasts while I swimming. It's a game changer!" Swimming is just one of these easy people28 ways to become meager of weight loss experts!

It is treated with tequila


"I recently discovered Tequila, thanks to my friends north of 35 years," she saidHealth. "The good tequila makes you feel different. According to Doctor Google, my favorite doctor, he acts in your central nervous system in a different way [other forms of alcohol]. If I have a glass of wine, and I'm a little little tired, I'm ready to go to bed. But if I have a little tequila on the rocks, and I'm a little tired, I'm not tired. I think a little bit, maybe We should go to do something ... " Check these23 Surprising Healthy Benefits of Alcohol!

She does not hunt trend plans

"I can not say that I tried a lot of smoke. I'm not good to be hungry," said BowenForm.

Categories: Weight Loss
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