How to lose weight if you weigh more than 170 pounds

In trouble to remedy these pesky books? Look no further.

If you are not satisfied with the number you see when you walk on the scale, it's time to take action - especially if you have exceeded 170 pounds, a weight greater than a woman. But make sure you calculate your body mass index before starting to make major lifestyle changes; The higher people could be perfectly healthy at 170 pounds, while the same number could classify others as overweight. A BMI between 25 and 30 will give you green light to deal with your weight loss goals with these daily feasible hacks.

For those of you who have been ever since a while, with little results, do not give up yet! Take a look at theWays to overcome a weight loss tray.


Turn to tea

woman drinking tea

Pour your path to progress by brewing green tea cups every time you have a chance. Since it is full of EGCG, an antioxidant of metabolism-boosting, a daily dose of this drink will be slimming in no time.Researchers of the Collège des Sciences Agricultural Sciences of Penn State Found brutal reductions in the body weight of the mice as well as improvements in their health when they consumed decaffeinated green tea and get regular exercises, even on a large fat diet. So press one of thebest teas for weight loss And a little cardio every day for serious results.

RELATED: Learn toexploit the power of tea to lose weight.


Eat a bigger breakfast

omelet dishes

Yes, you read that right. It is possible that even if you have never jumped a morning meal, you have not eaten enough. According to a study in theNutrition log, people under the age of 60 who consumed most of their calories at the beginning of the day, were associated with a lower BMI. So keep your widening size for bunching for breakfast and saving your calorie consumption by the end of the day.


Heat things ...

hot sauce peppers

Do not be afraid to spicele things in the kitchen - and in the room! Not only will incorporate the peppers into your diet will allow you to reach this bottle of water and well hydrated, but they contain capsaicin, a chemical-boosting metabolism that burns fat. And take care of the bedroom can help you lose weight too, thanks to the oxytocin hormone that is released during sex. A study ofUniversity of York Canada and the Center for Addiction and Mental Health found that his release decreased the desires of food.


... then chill outside

woman in snow

Shape your way to your success! Sleeping colder temperatures can make your brunette fat more efficient, which burns belly fat to warm you up. In a study inDiabetes, spend the night in 66 degrees time led to almost double fat volumes to participants. It's an easy way to say goodbye and hello to a thinner stomach.


Decrease your flat size

plates and bowls

Eating less can be as easy as buying small plates.Lisa Hayim, MS, RD and founder of the welcome nights say that a small change like this can actually reduce your calorie consumption. "When your plate is clear, you can then re-evaluate our hungry levels before deciding if you have to dive for seconds," she says. This could be the difference between feeling comfortably full or suffocating in jeans suddenly too tight.




This one is not right for the ladies. Although women order items with 15% fewer calories when they dine with guys, according to a study of theJournal of Applied Social Psychology, men follow this trend too when they eat with other men, commander 22% fewer calories. So the next time you are tempted to give you a cheating meal, gather a group of friends friends for dinner.


Skip the soda

soda bottles

We told you once and we will tell you again: Cool it with Cola. Soda boxes, whether settled or regular, are full of sugars and added sweeteners who are wreaking havoc on your body. According to a study in theAmerican Journal of Public HealthThese hated drinks to the regime increase cell aging as much as smoking. Leave Cold Turkey and buySELTZERS Healthy and sparkling waters instead of.


Work the right way

walking up stairs

You do not need to have a gym subscription or easy-to-reach access to start burning additional calories - although these things help. It is possible to immerse them while you are at work with some quick corrections. Simply simply when you might sit or take the stairs when you could mount the elevator. It's so easy.


Powder before being able to fall

protein powder

If you fast before going to bed, change yourself and give this trick a try. Make aagitation of proteinsThe night instead of the first morning thing and let your body work digest while you sleep. Men who have grocked on 30 grams of whey or casein protein before hitting the hay had a higher metabolic rate when they woke up compared to those who have not eating anything at all, according toResearch carried out by Florida State University.


Become crazy

bowl of almonds

Whether you are addicted to the almonds or pistachios, hitting your nuts with a nut can help you repel your BMI. Almonds are rich in L-arginine, an amino acid that burns more fat and carbohydrates during the exercise, according to a study ofThe Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. And whenUCLA Center Researchers for Human Nutrition Fed 220-Calorie Bretzels and Pistachios 240-Calorie to participants, it was the nut group showing a reduction in BMI in just four weeks.


Leave fast food in the past

drive thru

Although you can choose healthy options in fast food chains, cooking in your own kitchen will always be your best bet. It is better to grill chicken on yourself than to plunge the mysterious nuggets into the Ranch vinaigrette, just as it is better to blur your eggs than ordering a fat sandwich. If you are tightened during the time and you can not resist, at least doing smart swaps by choosing one of theseHealthy fast food controls.


Stop fearing fat

creamer into coffee

All fats are not created equal. Yes, you should always avoid saturated stuff and completely avoid trans fats, but there are many full fat options that can really benefit you. Thick cream in a cup of black coffee, for example, keeps your blood glucose stable, according toCassie Bjork, Rd, LD. "Other creative options, such as breast milk, and even coconut milk, can stimulate the production of your hormonal insulin, which promotes weight gain and a crowd of inflammatory reactions," she says. Embrace whole milk too, which can keep you with longer than fats.


Pay attention to proteins

protein spread

Not too much and not too much - try to reach this perfect part of the protein is a fine line to walk. So, instead of lacking its calorie benefits or eating so much that it is stored in fat form, hit this mild point recommended byJim White, Rd, ACSM and owner of Jim White Fitness Nutrition Studios. Depending on its preferred formula, you should consume 1.2 to 1.7 gram of protein per day per kilogram of body weight, then calculate your ideal amount and access grocery stores.



chopped garlic

Whether you add it to your pasta sauce or cook in potatoes, you probably need more garlic in your life. It is far from just an anti-inflammatory bulb; According to a study inNutrition and Practice ResearchThis helps the lower BMI. So, if you have the chance, go for garlic.


Put on your outfits

woman red dress

Even if you are about to eat a solo breakfast at the kitchen table, you can be a good idea to dress up - and not just in comfortable sweatpants. Clinic psychologistDr. Katie Rickel, PhD advises weight observers to keep their goals in front and be central, heading for the closet before going to the kitchen. This simple reminder that you care about your appearance can help you eat in a way that expresses self-love.


Stop stress

woman stressed at desk

Working in a stressful environment is not just bad for your mental health, but also for your physical well-being. According to a study in theAmerican newspaper of epidemiologyPeople with high levels of work-related stress are 26% more likely to be inactive when they leave the office. This means turning on the TV, whistle on the sofa and other sedentary behaviors that can cause weight gain.


Obtain Savvie Support


Vitamins and antioxidants are naturally found in some of the foods we eat, but if you do not make fresh products in your local grocery store and fill out fruit and vegetables, you may be absent on the important. Vitamin D, for example, regulates hunger and a study inNutrition log linked to a 7% grease decrease when associated with calcium; A study in theNutrition log I found that a higher magnesium intake was associated with lower insulin levels, a weight gain marker. Lucky for you, supplements are available to ensure that a deficiency in one or the other zone can be fixed simply by appearing a pill.



man running

Place the weights and retrieve these running shoes. WhenDuke ResearchersHad overweight or sedentary participants following an exercise routine for eight months, the cardio group was better and lost four pounds. The Resistance Training Group won two, but while these books showed up as muscle mass, this increase in force did not lead to a significant decrease in fat. It looks like it's the treadmill time!


Compose drinks ...

woman wine glass

Or better yet, abstain from alcohol completely. Just think of all the calories you will cut; when 14New scientist Staff members attempted for only five weeks and their body weight decreased by 2% on average. Trinquires to that!


Get into hang

woman squatting beach

This exercise does not allow any room for excuses because you do not need to be at the gym to fall into a squat. Carolyn Barnes, Méterbend ofThe clean mom's plan, recommends incorporating them into your daily activities. You can hit squats at any time, anywhere, but his favorite is in the kitchen by making dishes.


Preparation for progress

meal prep

If this scale does not move, you may need to spend more time in the kitchen, not the gym. According to a study in theAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine, Those who spend more than an hour a day on meal preparation tend to have better eating habits. More specifically, they eat at least 8 servings of fruits and 13 vegetables each week.



woman reading label

You can never judge a book by its blanket and you are not supposed to judge food by its package either. It's not because something says it's "bio" or seems healthy that it wants it to be the best for you. The lemon chicken and Arugula salad of the trader Joe's, for example, have almost half of your recommended daily sodium dose, which you would never guess without looking at the label. Do not forget to check the nutritional facts in the restaurants. COBB salad atChick-a Packing more than 50 grams of fat!


Use the boyfriend's system

women yoga class

Do not do it alone. Go constantly to the gym and eating cleanliness is difficult, but it could have a little less bad if you had a partner to spend with you. And it's not because misery loves the company, but because Bonding Up is a fun way to stay responsible. According toCedric BryantPh.D., President and Chief of American Council Sciences on Exercise, "has shown social support to help people stay on track with healthy lifestyle behaviors. You can encourage and get Mutivate each other. "


Press the Snooze button

woman sleeping

Researchers at Colorado University found that those who were watching their weight eaten 6% fewer calories when they have enough sleep, that the National Sleep Foundation defines 7 to nine o'clock for most adults. So stop feeling guilty of going horizontal and get some attention. And when you wake up, spend a gesture on these Ways to lose weight before breakfast .

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