10 ways to end your weight loss tray

Your biggest fear has become reality. No, the scandal has not been canceled and has neither the game of thrones, we are talking about something much more terrifying: you hit the redoubted weight loss tray.

The ladder, once a pedestal where you celebrate your weekly weighing victories, suddenly stopped buckling. You have developed your cookies of the Cheat Day, added an additional workout to your weekly routine and cut on healthy foods that are not, but nothing will make the tip of the ladder in your favor. Ugh. It's totally irritating. But it is not necessary to depress or defeat. The experts of physical condition and nutrition sayweightloss The trays are quite common and there are ways to drill them.

Although weight loss can stand out a variety of reasons, the main problem of many is that the fall of books becomes more and more difficult the mower you will become. It's a catch 22, but it makes sense: when your weight falls, your basal metabolic rate (the amount of energy that your body must keep your heart and other vital organs operating). When your basal metabolic rate falls, your body does not require as many calories to support themselves. But as there is no alert alerting this metabolic change, most people continue to consume as much as they did at the beginning of their weight loss path. The bad news is that if you do not burn these extra calories, your body no longer needs, the scale will cease to switch to your favor.

In the end: You must change your diet and exercise plan if you want to continue to reduce. Although it may seem overwhelming, there is no need to collapse. We have combed through research and have grilled a handful of nutrition and exercise gurus to learn which tricks and tricks will help you seize these books "scene-five clinger". Click on the slides to get the SCOOP.


Keep snacking- but be smart about it


"I always say to my patients: to change change in your body, something you do must change," saysLeah Kaufman, Mrs., Rd, CDN, a dietitian based on the city of New York. And if you eat a ton of packaged foods (even apparently healthy), it's something that should change, stat! While a whole revision of diet is not realistic, a collaborative makeover is a good place to start. "Replacing crackers, potatoes and granola with fresh fruits and vegetables can help people overcome weight loss trays decreasing their daily global calories," says Kaufman. Try to nibble on vegetable sticks with hummus or apples with peanut butter. They are both portable as your chip afternoon bag, but much better to arrange hunger and help you achieve your goals.


Munch more often


Not a snacker? Although it may seem counter-intuitive, eating more often can help you hit these extra books at the edge of the border, explains Dr. Sean Mr. Wells, personal trainer and author ofDouble-cross: an examination of the most extreme exercise program. "Discharge the idea that three meals a day are perfect. Eat two collations of 200 calories between meals with at least 10 grams of protein and five grams of fiber." Try noshing on two hard eggs and a pear, which will suit the nutritional bill. "This type of snack will provide the nutrients you need and inhabited cravings that can slow down your weight loss efforts."

Do not buy it? A group of French researchers from Wells's suggestion. They found that the study participants who were fed a high protein hill felt longer and eat less at their next meal compared to participants who have eaten high glucian snacks, or no snack. Take less calories means that more weight will fly your frame.


Trade Pop Pipes for Protein

Cookies and White Bread and Pop Pop Pies, Oh My! Horbs, sugar loaded, like these, are related to satisfied ingredients like fiber, so they do not keep you complete (and you may have back for seconds). "Consume less sugar, fewer carbohydrates and other protein-rich foods such as lean meats, legumes and nuts can keep dietine feel more complete, which can help them take less calories while Long day, "says Kaufman. In addition, the protein prevents the ventilation of the muscle while you lose grease. The more lean muscle mass, the more you will burn calories at rest. It's a winning victory. "Protein requirements differ by individual, but it is usually 0.8 to a gram of protein per kilogram of body weight should be sufficient enough to supply weight loss."

If you get that many protein do not seem to be feasible for you, at least your consumption during breakfast. Studies show that the lean protein in the morning can brake hunger and keep your appetite under control all day. The hard eggs and yogurt are both portable protein options that you can eat on the race.


Leave your office job

Only laugh!We do not expect you to give you two weeks to reduce these extra books - and thankfully you do not have to. Keep in mind however, even if you hit the gym regularly after work, it's probably not enough to counteract the hours you connect to your desktop. "When sitting all day, your metabolic drop drops, which could reduce your weight loss efforts if you do not adjust your diet to explain the lack of activity," says Albert R. Matheny IV, Rd, CSCS, co-founder ofSoho Force Laboratory. If you are already eating a healthy diet, you move more throughout the day, you can make your weekly week victorious again.

Sprinting around your office like Serena Williams is not necessary to see the results; Simply get up from your chair and take a walk to two minutes once all hours can do the trick, says Mathény. Only two minutes of walking once every eighth is in addition to 45 additional calories burned every day for an adult of 150 pounds. Although it may not seem like a lot, if you keep on it, you will burn a grease book after three or four months. Define your phone alarm to leave once every hour you do not forget to make a brake.



Listen to us: We told you that eating more protein can help accelerate weight loss, which is true when it comes from high quality sources. Unfortunately, all sources are not created equal. Non-organic meats often contain chemicals called endocrine, or obesogenic disruptors, which can promote weight gain or make it difficult to reduce the size of appetite, increasing the size and number of adipose cells in the body and alterant Metabolism to promote fat storage. A 2011 study published in the newspaperObesity Reviews Suggests that these chemicals can play a role in the development of the obesity epidemic. Although more research has to better understand all the effects of these chemicals, play the safety and opt for grass, beef without hormone and chicken and choose wild salmon on livestock varieties.


Nix Diet Beverages and Foods


Yes Diet drinks have bubbles that fill your belly and can make you feel fully, but the long-term effects of the demonized beverage are exactly opposite, which makes weight loss more difficult. AYale Journal of Biology and MedicineThe study revealed that artificial sweeteners found in the soda and other dietary foods, such as some low-aromatized flavored yogurts, could cause increased gingeries of candies such as cookies and cakes. The more you often have these types of indulgences on the brain, the more likely it is that you will give in to temptation. Nix The Artificial Stuff and Stick with integer natural foods to further feed your weight loss.


Cut your law and short short order

If people could just sleep lean, we all looked like a track model. While degradation can not counteract a dozen donuts, sleep plays an incredibly important role in weight loss and do not have enough can cause a tray. On aScience daily Study, if you are well rested, your body will produce less Ghrelin, a hormone that reduces energy expenditure and triggers hunger. Translation: You will have less appetite and you will burn more calories, without changing others on your routine. Nothing is better than that! Aim for 7 to 8.5 hours of stop per night to obtain optimal results with low mid-time mid-time.



Stress really fears. In addition to making you a bad mood and scrolling your stomach, stress can make weight loss efforts to a stop crunch! It encourages Spike's "combat or flying" hormone cortisol, which eats a lean muscle mass, screws with blood glucose and causes cravings. Return to the right track and start deleting weight with the help of conscious meditation. The researchers at the University of California have found that people who participate in practice tend to have lower cortisol levels. So why not try to try? This can help you get fucked your tray.


Make ten sets of four


You run. You jump. You are squat. But the balance does not move. HIIT (high intensity intention intervals) or metabolic packaging, can be the key to your weight loss success, explains wells. Composed of intense hard work with short recovery segments, this training strategy stimulates the hormones of the muscular building and frying fat. If you are not a member of a gym, try a circuit composed of body weight exercises such as pumps, burdeves, slit breaks and body weight squats (do not hesitate to exchange your favorites). Make 10 repetitions of three exercises you choose, then follow this fight with a minute of jumping. Rest for a minute and repeat this circuit four times. If you have access to weights or belong to a gym, follow the same format of counting and recovery of the representation, but exchange exercises such as falling the balls of drugs, sled sprints, box jumps and sweater-ups.


Eliminate diet distractions


We heard it time and many times: eating in front of television is a no-no diet. When we are focused on the drama on the screen, more than food on our plates, it makes it more difficult to support satiety signals and unnecessary calories easier to reduce weight loss efforts. If you can not knock the habit, consider at least to buy a TiVo or Netflix streaming so you can skip advertisements. Why? A 2011 study published in the newspaper,Appetite, found that advertisements for unhealthy foods and beverages, such as soda, rapid restoration and packaged snacks, increase our desire to engage in these same foods. So no, you do not imagine that the pint in the freezer called your name while Baskin Robin's advertising was lit. Ugh. As if it were not strong enough to stay a healthy diet? Keep advertisements on your screen to help books fly your setting.

Zero Belly Cookbook

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