This facial mask error could seriously damage your health

You want it tight, but not too tight.

Wear protective coating or mask is one of the key recommendations of health organizations, including the CDC, in order to prevent the propagation of COVID-19. Social distancing measures continue to relax, and people are starting back to work, at school, restaurants, shops and other social situations, the mask wearing is going to be a key element in the protection of you-and Others - to become infected with incredibly contagious virus.However, while wearing your mask properly can help protect the health of yourself and others, making a simple mistake can actually present long-term health challenges.

Trauma may result in long-term damage

Henry HSIA, MD, a plastic surgeon of Yale medicine and associate professor at Yale School of Medicine, explains that a too tight mask can damage your long-term health. "Any used article tightly on the skin (like jewelry, shoes, underwear, etc.) During a prolonged period of time comprises the potential to cause irritation and skin reactions that can result in minor skin trauma, this which is not addressed and authorized to be continually repeated frequently, can possibly lead to permanent damage, "he explains toEat this, not that! Health. "The masks are not different, especially if they are not taken correctly."

According to a study, published FebruaryJournal, Well-adjusted masks can cause pressure ulcers, a condition that can cause pain and infection. They also noted that areas of the mask area where the bone is close to the skin, including the nose, are subject to additional damage.

The New York Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon and Florida Stephen T. Greenberg, MD, also warned serious and permanent damage to the face, jaw and skin, caused by increased pressure of the bearing mask. "Infections and allergic reactions to ridicule prematurely permanently on the face, a mask inappropriately or for long periods may result in unfavorable health conditions for the wearer," he wrote.

Fortunately, unless you are a front-line health worker who is required to wear a N95 mask for several hours a day, these potential health problems are easily avoidable. "Wear a mask in public does not usually require bound masks usually worn in hospitals, and most people should not have to worry about a health risk of the mask itself," says Dr. HSIA .

How to wear your mask better

If you feel the need to wear a tight mask for long periods, you can do some things to avoid long-term health impacts.

"Make sure the mask is perfect and comfortably suitable, and take frequent breaks at least every hour, where you can take the mask completely from your face to pause your skin," says Dr. HSIA. And, if you have to wear well-adapted masks on a regular basis, you must inspect your skin regularly. "If you encounter an irritation or pain to wear a mask, you should first check that it is properly installed. If you always encounter problems, you should consult a doctor," he adds.

Be careful there and cross this pandemic at your healthiest, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
By: ted-lang
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