An exchange of drinks to lose 60 pounds in one year

Weight loss must not necessarily be complicated. In fact, all that is possible is only a diet exchange.

Imagine making just an exchange and lose the equivalent weight of four Thanksgiving turkeys in one year. (We are talking about 60 pounds here.) It is not necessary to be in your imagination - it can be a reality.

How? 'Or' What? Everything goes until you drink. Before giving the elixir secret weight loss, you must start drinking, we will tell you what you will exchange for: soda. (In touch:8 groceries who can soon be in the short diet.)

Soda is by far theworst drink to lose weight. It packs on books without you doing.Studies Show that the largest source of calorie in the average American diet comes from sweet drinks, with sodas that directs the load. At about 150 calories of the 12 ounce soda bobbin, this type of daily drinking habit would provide you with an additional 1,050 calories a week or about 15 extra weight pounds during the year.

But maybe you are in this elite alcohol club of 5% of all Americans who swallow 567 calories of sweet soft drinks (four sodas) daily, according to data from theNational Survey on Health and Nutrition Review. At this rate, you potentially save 60 pounds of fat every year.

What you need to drink instead of soda to lose weight

Enter magicgrease exchange:Unsweetened green tea. Not only does the exchange of this calorie-free drink for Save Super Soda Sweet drinks drinks the equivalent of 60 books of annual calories, but this can also improve your health and help activate your body to eliminate more fat. Here's how:

Green tea turns off grease storage genes

"What you eat and you do not eat, can affect what genes are lit and when," saysKevin L. Schalinske, PhDProfessor in the Department of Food Sciences and the Human Nutrition of the Iowa State University. And some nutrients can turn these genes from going backing more difficult so that your body has weight.

Two of the main nutritional tools at our disposal to extinguish our grease genes are the magic ingredients of the EGCG (epigallocacatechiningallate) and folate, discovered magic ingredients located at high levels in green tea. EGCG is a powerful plant-based plants called catechins, which is part of a larger group of useful compounds called polyphenols.

Numerous clinical studies suggest that EGCG offers powerful benefits of weight loss. For example, according to a 12-week study on the daily consumption of green tea in women showed a significant decrease in weight and abdominal fat, according to oneClinical nutrition to study.

Green tea stimulates your metabolism

Typically, when you reduce the calories (likecut sweet drinks), your rest metabolism slows down. But the consumption of non-hollow green tea can thwart this effect by stimulating the thermogenesis, that is to say to generate heat through the combustion of calories, according to clinical studies.

One of these events, published in theResearch Journal in Medical Sciences, involved 63 men and women with type 2 diabetes that have been randomly assigned to one of three groups. A group has drank four cups of green tea daily, another large cup of two cups, and the control group has eaten no green tea for two months. After 8 weeks, the group that drank four cups per day experienced significant weight loss as well as decreases in the body mass index, circumference of systolic size and blood pressure.

Green tea can cause adipose cell reduction

Into studyThe participants who combined a daily habit of four to five cups of green tea with a 25-minute workout for 12 weeks lost an average of two more pounds than drinkers to drink tea. The researchers believe that the catechins found in green tea can explode the adipose tissues, triggering the release of fat cells, especially in the belly, accelerating the ability of the liver to transform this grease into energy.

To lose weight, an exchange of soda for a lower drink in the calories will go around. But to accelerate weight loss, crush it for green tea for the books to have founded.

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