How your thyroid causes joint pain

Suffering from joint pain? You may have shot a muscle - or have this unusual condition.

Articular pain. You have experienced it or expect as you get older - a feeling of tenderness, harm or heat in your knees, your hands, your hips or elsewhere in the body. This is one of the most common physical complaints - and a potential cause of this could surprise you.

What causes articular pain?

Joint pain can result from the muscular strain, articular inflammation called arthritis or bursitis, drop or several other conditions. The one who does not receive a lot of press is an under-active thyroid, otherwise called hypothyroidism.

What is hypothyroidism?

The main function of your thyroid - the butterfly shaped gland just below your Adam apple - is to produce two hormones: triiodothyronin (T3) and thyroxine (T4). This dynamic duo has a major effect on your metabolism and overall health. According toHarvard's health letterThese hormones move from the thyroid through the blood to parts away from the body, including the brain, heart, liver and bones.

Hypothyroidism occurs when thyroid does not produce enough one or both of these hormones.According to the Mayo ClinicThis can slow down your metabolism, producing a range of symptoms such as fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, weight gain, depression, muscle pain or weakness - as well as painful or swollen joints. Women and people over 60 are at increased risk of hypothyroidism, but not everyone can develop the disease.

Why does hypothyroidism cause articular pain?

When the metabolism slows down, the fluid can accumulate between the joints, cause swelling and pain.

what is the treatement?

If you have joint pain caused by hypothyroidism, your doctor may prescribe a thyroid hormone in the form of a pill, to bring your levels where they should be.

There are a number of things you can do to mitigate the symptoms of joint pain caused by hypothyroidism, including a low impact exercise, maintain a healthy weight to reduce stress on the joints, get a lot of sleep ( Experts recommend seven to nine o'clock) and eating anti-inflammatory or thyroid diet, such as these recommended byEat this, not that!

But it is important not to self-diagnose or self-treat. Remember that joint pain could have a number of other causes, so it is important to look forward to its source. Osteoarthritis (cartilage wear between the joints) and the rheumatoid arthritis (painful swelling of the joint lining) are more common.


He emphasizes how important it is that if you encounter joint pain or any other embarrassing symptom, you do not crack it. Do not forget: the pain is the signal of your body that something is wrong. If frequent joint pain disturb, consult your primary care doctor, who can provide a reference to a rheumatologist.

Categories: Health
Tags: aging
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