What happens to your body when you walk every day

Can you really lose weight while walking? We asked a doctor.

Routinewalk Every day seems nice, is not it? It's good to go out and go for a walk as you enjoy the morning (or evening), look at the trees as they change season-season and breathe fresh air. In addition, if you are lucky, you can lose a few pounds while doing it. But will he go for a walk every day that really helps you with your weight loss efforts?

In order to understand how the walk can help your overall health, we spoke with Dr. Amy Lee, responsible for nutrition forNuCFIC, On what happens to your body when you walk every day. And if you are looking for even healthier tips, check out our list of21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


This can improve your mental health.

friends walking

"Having a regular walking schedule can be ideal for your health and I'm not just about physical health, but also your mental health," says Dr. Lee. "[You have a] feeling of fulfillment by burning calories [you] can reduce your daily stress and let the natural secrete bodyendorphins Who is the "good" hormone ".

Mr. Lee also recommends having "walking friends" with regular and designated time, which can help be multiple. Get your walkand Catch up with a friend all at once.

"The great thing is that the endorphin of our walks also helps us feel a little more energized and have a better state of mind for the rest of the day," says Dr. Lee.

Did you knowWalk at that time can help you lose more weight?


This can help maintain weight.


If your goal is tokeep your weight and staying healthy, having a daily practice of walking can help - especially if you hit the right amount of steps a day,

"On average, data has shown that there are advantages for overall health and well-being if you can get 10,000 steps per day," says Dr. Lee. "This equates to about 5 miles away, depending on the length of your legs and your stride."

Dr. Lee says that for people who like to follow, wear a pedometer and actually measure your steps can be useful for reaching these 10,000 steps per day.

"The standard distance and the amount of steps to consider beneficial for health and well-being are about 10,000 stages," she says. "It also includes walking from your car in a car park, climb and go down the stairs of your work, or move to do housework."

here isExactly how many steps you have to take a day to avoid gaining weight.


If you want to lose weight, add more steps.

woman walking

While the 10,000-step step is a good goal to maintain your weight and overall health, if you really wantlosing weight, studies show that you have to walk at least 15,000 steps a day. Or incorporate a kind of additional exercise.

"Now, if you intend to lose weight, you have to take it out! Meaning, in addition to the 10,000 steps, you have to incorporate something with more intensity to activate the muscles", "

You can also try some tips in your walking routine that will transform it into good exercise. Here are some key points of Dr. Lee herself.

  • Walk faster: "Time time and see how long you need to go usually 10,000 steps. Then find a day when you start and try doing the same distance with less time."
  • Walk stronger: "Balance these arms and be more intentional with your movements. Side your glutes and swing your hips. You would be surprised by what you get muscle groups you end up activating."
  • Tilt: "If you always walk the same loop in the park or in your neighborhood, try to find a hill or locations with more gradient. In this way, you increase your cardio."
  • Walking with weights:"Consider adding wrist weights or weights to ankle, but start at 1 pound, then add more over time. Starting with too much weight, can cause injury if your muscles do not use it. "
  • Walk further: "If the weather is not limited, give yourself a little more time to cover more distance."

Need more ideas? here is30 tips when you walk to lose weight.


You will reduce your risk of various conditions.


According toMAYO ClinicHaving a regular practice of walking can not only help maintain a healthy weight, but can even help to "prevent or manage various conditions, including a blood pressure of heart disease and type 2 diabetes".


You will reinforce your bones and muscles.

Couple walking in park

The Mayo clinic also mentions that walking can help keep your bones and strong muscles, which is particularly important for the mobility you get older. DR LEE also mentions that walking is the exercise it generally recommends that people who get older, as well as people with variable disabilities.

After your walk, here is25 best foods for the definition of muscle and toning .

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