Popular diets that can cause sustainable damage to your heart, according to science

They can help you lose weight, but these schemes could put your health in danger seriously.

Cardiac disease is theMain cause of death both in the United States and globally, with an estimate655,000 American Americans of the disease each year. While studies have found that losing weight can help reduce the risk of someRisk factors for cardiovascular diseaseincludingHigh cholesterol levels and hypertension, not that all regimes are not created equal when it comes to yourcardiac health. In fact, some diets can actually cause damage to your heart over time. Read it to discover which plans could put your heart in danger. And if you are ready to do on your diet for the better, checkThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.



Table of keto diet foods on a table

While there may be countless people who sing Keto's praises to allow some members oflose weight fastThe fat diet could have lasting effects on the health of your heart. Search published in the newspaperLaboratory survey found that a single high fat meal has increased cholesterol concentrations, free fatty acids and triglycerides in blood, while reducing flow-mediated dilation - the ability of an artery to grow the increase in blood flow in the brachial artery, all that can increase the risk of a person's cardiovascular disease.

Your risk can be even higher if you eat a rich diet inRed meat-Selon a 2020 study published inThe BMJAmong a group of 43,272 adult men without cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the study, eating red meat and transformed red meat were associated with an increase of 12% and 15% of the risk of cardiovascular disease, respectively.

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Bowl of paleo diet foods with kale, avocado, tomatoes, and potatoes

The Paleo diet can pretend to improve a person's health health in addition to helping their weight loss efforts, but research suggests that this way of eating may not be as good as much as many assume.

A 2019 study published in theEuropean nutrition newspaper found that among a group of samples of 44 dieters, people who have glued to various permutations of apale had increased the levels of trimethylamine metabolite intestinal metabolite (TMAO), which has been linked to ahigher risk of heart disease.


The mono diet


The mono-a means of eating in which you do only one food for a period of time - may seem like a simple way to lose weight, but it could have serious ramifications in terms of cardiac health. Depending on the food you choose, you can actually cause cardiovascular damage - if your red poison meat, you could increase your risk of heart disease biomarkers, and if you do not eat fruit systematically, it can remain true. According to a 2019 study published inProcedure of the Mayo Clinic, consuming high levels of fructose - a type of sugar found in fruit-is associated with a higher risk ofDeath of cardiovascular disease.


Fasting juice

smoothies with juice

Juice fast can be considered an easy way to drop quick books, but it's not worth the risk for your heart. Research published in theEuropean heart newspaper In 2018, fructose consumption could increase a person's risk of developing both cardiohometabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. Oxalate, a compound found in many fruits and vegetables, has also beenrelated to renal calculations, which can increase the risk of a person to develop cardiac disease, according to the 2013 research published in theAmerican Journal of Renal Diseases. And for more reasons to cut the sweet stuff of your diet, check these5 reasons why you should stop drinking juice, according to dietitians.


The ice cream regime

chocolate ice cream

Theice cream The diet may seem like a dream: you simply eat ice cream and lose weight. Unfortunately, if it sounds too good to be true, it's probably because it's. According to a 2014 study published inJAMA internal medicineThere is an important link between food consumption with added sugar, such as ice cream and the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, a 2004 study published in The Israel Medical Association Journal I found that the risk of a person to have a cardiac event was significantly higher in the hours of a heavy meal - and we are pretty sure that a pint of ice cream qualifies as one. You want to make your next indulgence a little healthier? Discover our rankings of the 37 best and worst ice creams .

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