Coke's life with Stevia has as much sugar as 3 donuts

If you think you make yourself a favor by opting for the sweet drink and Stevia de Coca-Cola, the life of Coke, on the traditional red box, you may want to look more closely at the Nutrition Label.

coke life

When you do, you will realize that its natural packaging is right there to distract you from the cold and hard facts: a 12-ounce box of the substance contains 24 grams of sugar, which is particularly troubling given the recent recommendation of the World Health Organization To reduce our daily sugar consumption at about 25 grams a day to expand obesity, heart disease, cancer and diabetes as effectively.

Of course, opt for the green bobbin on the red will save you 50 calories and 15 grams of sugar, allowing you to lose weight - but that you mark the drink, a healthy alternative to the whole calorie cola. In fact, green can pack as much sugar as you get from Downing's donuts of Apple n de Dunkin ', in addition to being zero nutrients or vitamins promoting health and listening with artificial dyes that are Possible human carcinogens like its high calcart counterparts.

Our official position: let the life of Coca-Cola and all the other sodas on the supermarket shelf. If you are sick of Ol 'H20, opt for tea or unsweetened coffee.

Categories: Groceries
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