10 probiotic foods that you should never eat

There are so many foods with healthy probiotics! There is only one problem: they are too sweet.

If you have not already heard, probiotic foods have officially beaten the bone broth for the eating trend of the year. To refresh your memory, the probiotics are "living microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, give an advantage over the health of the host", according to the World Health Organization. Some of these health benefits? Stimulate your immune system, protect your memory and help regulate the storage of fat. It looks like a wellness hole in one, if you ask ourselves! There is just a catch: we are still not quite sureHow? 'Or' What They all work.

This ambiguity even more applies for food products that do not naturally produce probiotics by fermentation; They only have them because a company adds bacteria after treatment. But even if we do not know how much these beneficial bacteria may cure our belly (Preliminary results are promising!), We know what dietary factors can lead to an unhealthy gut (therefore, why you take probiotics in the first place). One of the worst enemies? Sugar.

Multiple studies, such as searching forOregon State UniversityI found that the high sugar schemes (which most Americans eat) are systematically associated with a ratio of bad bacteria to good bacteria, which can lead to health problems related to weight gain to a premature mental decline. . Experts believe that the problem comes from sugar being the main source of fuel for pathogenic bacteria, fungi and yeast that can conquer and kill your beneficial bacteria.

You probably think: "As long as I reduce my sugar intake, my probiotic intake, I will be ready to leave!" And you should have been right! The only problem is that many of these supposedly beneficial probiotic foods with added laboratory strains are also filled with sugar that destroy your intestine in the first place. That's why we're here to help you get the stratagems out of nutritional enthusiasts. Make sure you turn off these probiotic gadgets, and buy more of the most confided sources of beneficial belly bugs,Greek yogurt.


Tropicana Essentials Probiotics Strawberry Banana

tropicana essentials probiotics strawberry banana

Per 8 fl oz: 130 calories, 0 g of grease, 10 mg sodium, 31 g of carbohydrates (0 g fiber, 28 g sugar), <1 g protein

No amount of addition of probiotic stress to increase Immunodox can only cover the fact that a single portion of new banana juices of the tropicana strawberry has a gram of amazing sugar. Of course, these grams are not of any added source, butfruit sugar Acts in the same way as cane sugar in your body. And without any fiber of digestion, healthy fat or proteins to facilitate its release in your blood, you are looking for distractant hunger pain shortly after you had a drink.


2.0 + sugar probiotics

sugar 2.0 + probiotics

Per 1 tsp: 10 calories, 0 g of grease, 0 mg sodium, 4 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 2 g of sugar), 0 g protein

This could be an excellent sugar replacement in your tea or morning coffee, but it does not have much sense to allow us to match beneficial bacteria with the food source for the bad guys. It's like drinking coffee while showing a sleeping machine - what is the point?


Mariani Probiotic Prizes

mariani probiotic prunes

5-6 prunes (40 g): 100 calories, 0 g of grease (0 g saturated grease), 0 mg of sodium, 23 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 19 g of sugar), 1 g protein

Dried fruit certainly seems like a good idea - he had the word "fruit" in! - But it's also on our list of"healthy" habits that can make you gain weight. This is because dried fruits are easier to stun than their entire counterparts. In addition, they come with less than this belly filling water that helps protect yourself as Munch.


Take advantage of the Brownie Mix life

enjoy life brownie mix

Per 3 c. 35 g): 130 calories, 2.5 g of grease (1 g of saturated grease), 120 mg of sodium, 25 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 17 g of sugar), 6 g protein

These brownies certainly have a profile of own ingredients - but when it comes to improving the health of the gut, a reason to engage in sweet Hadles desserts likely to help probably probably. If you need a better probiotic food for you that doubles also as dessert, go for low sugar yogurts such asskyr And soften it with cocoa nibres and fresh berries.


Greenbiotic project juice

project juice greenbiotic

Per 14.5 floz: 160 calories, 1 g of grease (0 g saturated grease), 35 mg of sodium, 39 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, 29 g sugar), 3 g protein

Even if this cold squeezed juice is done with organic oranges, cucumbers, spinach, ginger and a strain of probiotics, the 14.5 ounce bottle contains 29 grams of sugar fruit. Past!


Swanson GreenFoods Vegan Protein with Probiotics

swanson greenfoods vegan protein with probiotics

By 3 spoons: 190 calories, 1 g of grease (0 g saturated grease), 214 mg sodium, 26 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fiber, 20 g sugar), 18 g protein

Nope, you are not even in the light with the plantprotein powders! Unfortunately, manufacturers of this brown rice and hemp mixture are also packed in tons of brown rice syrup solids, which increases the number of sugar in an altitude of 20 grams in a standard portion. If you are looking for a vegan protein powder with probiotics - but only 1 gram of sugar-checkoutThe Kashi Golian protein powder.


Good Probiotics of Biological Blueberry Acai Beverage

good belly probiotics organic blueberry acai drink

By 8 fl oz: 120 calories, 0 g of grease, 20 mg sodium, 29 g of carbohydrates (0 g fiber, 24 g sugar), <1 g protein

Pear juice juice Just after water and concentrated, cane sugar finds its place on the list of good belly ingredients. It is certainly meaning that it would be listed so high: there are 24 grams of sweets of 8 ounces serving!


Brillian ice cream very strawberry

brio very strawberry ice cream

By ½ cup of cooking: 150 calories, 6 g of grease (2.5 g of saturated grease), 45 mg of sodium, 20 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fibers, 16 g sugar), 5 g protein

Do not fall into the fact that this ice cream is made from organic milk rich in calcium. Brio is not just filled with antioxidants and probiotics; It is also filled with 16 grams of sugar per tiny half-cup of service! There are better probiotic foods to have had.


Small organic duck of tiny scrubs

little duck organics tiny gummies

Per 1-⅓ c.

If you are looking forfruit snacks For your little one, skip small gambles of small ducks. Even if they are manufactured without added sugars or preservatives and are all biological, your child will always take more health sugar than belly probiotics.


Gluten Gluten Free Breakfast Bars

glutino gluten free breakfast bars

By 1 bar: 140 calories, 2 g of grease (0 g saturated grease), 45 mg sodium, 29 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 14 g sugar), 2 g protein

Talk about the halos of health. Just because these bars are gluten freeand contain probiotics does not mean they are good for you. Not only are they made with fructose - the type of sugar that has been tightly attached to insulin resistance, high cholesterol and triglycerides and belly fat - they are made with many things: 14 grams.

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