This is what the new sport drink in Beyonca really tastes like
It's free of a quantity of balloon sugar and potassium chock-full to help you recover.

When Beyoncé invests in a brand of fruity drinks that is not lemonade, you know it must be incredible. The manufacturers of WTRMLN WTR, who have mastered the art of exploiting summer and bottling it in the form of watermelon juice, have just failed a new functional sports drink. It is doubledWTRMLNSLCE and it packs in great ingredients that will behelp you unlock as well as it will make you go through this workout.
Which ingredients are in Wtrmnslce?
WTRMNSLCE has zero artificial sweeteners and only 15 calories and 2 grams of natural sugar from the watermelon by serving as well as thirstal sole electrolytes, sodium regulatorpotassium, vitamin C at collagen, and l-citrulline, amino acidlinked Improve the performance of training, increased energy and improvement of blood flow. In fact, a 2016to study have found that the amino acid has helped cyclists improve their synchronization and reduce muscle pain while anotherto study has shown that L-citrulline has improved muscle blood flow during exercise in older men.
How does WTRMLNSLCE pite in Gatorade?
Cooler Cooler Gatorade
GATORADE relies on simple sugars to fast action to give you a thumb of energy and, not to mention, a unnecessary addition of added calories. On the contrary, WTRMLNSLCE contains only 4 grams of bottle sugar and 185 milligrams more potassium than gatorade packets. Potassium, both a mineral and an electrolyte, helps your muscles recover more effectively after exercise.
How does it taste?
While we are all for this fruitysports drinkThe stellar nutritional profile, we know you're wondering how stacious flavor. After trying the four flavors: original, blood orange, cherry pie and ginger lemon, we were very impressed. We loved that the sips were slightly tangy and we defeated a hint of flavor from the respective fruity additions. Unlike Gatorade, which derives most of its sugar flavor, we had no sweetness of Wtrmnslce.
A secret concerned about the environment behind the drink
We also like that the mission of the brand is toreduce food wasteThat is why it only uses "ugly fruits" in its drinks - a process that predicted to save more than 50 million melons thrown in 2018 alone. "With WTRMLN WTR and our last range of shelf shelf products, WTRMLNSLCE, we are smiling at the same time the watermelon flesh and the watermelon melon of juicy fruits, which provides a boost nutrients and electrolytes. We set the price. purchase of bulk melons on a farmer -à to the farmer, to buy products that would otherwise go to waste, "Jody Levy, CEO and co-founder of WTRMLN WTREat this, not that! by email.
"We create a positive income stream for farmers because they can not sell" seconds "to traditional product buyers. It starts at the source. We thank the skin of the melons and extract the flesh and skin, and our Remains are used to creating an animal feed for local farms in our manufacturing facilities. "A bit likeLemonadeWe are with Beyoncé on this One-Wtrmnslce is an indispensable trial.