This smart refrigerator looks like a personal nutritionist - and it's on sale

Snag This fridge for sale and crush your objectives of the New Year this year!

Any family could attest to the fact that cooking and, more precisely, the refrigerator is the heart of the house. It is covered with important photo magnets and reminders, and you open and close these doors heavy dozens of times a day for food. In fact, the contents of the refrigerator is what really controls the nutrition of your household. And the rise of intelligent cooking, such as the hub refrigerator Samsung Family Hub, which facilitates a lot of livinghealthy lifestyle.

What is a smart fridge?

If you have not heard of this smart refrigerator, here is the drop. It is a device connected to the Wi-Fi of your home, with a 21.5-inch glitzy touch screen on which you can broadcast music and television (hello,Chopped!). It also comes from built-in cameras. So you can see the contents of your iPhone refrigerator. This will certainly be useful when you forget if you are weak on the milk or you wonder what the kids devoured for breakfast that morning. With a quick click, you can check exactly what healthLunch box prejudice box You must rephrase. In addition, you can take note of the expiration dates of food so you know even if your milk has passed badly.

So how will the Samsung Family Hub fridge help you eat healthier?

The fridge Jazzy allows you to actuallytake meals you ate. You can even ask for voice help, Bixby, how many calories you and your family have consumed that day, then ask for recipe recommendations for your remaining calorie budget. Now that it seems easier than clicking on MyFitnessPal!

For the most active parents, when the family requires a snack, it is certainly easier to reach a box of Mac and cheese or fridge, but the intelligent refrigerator can prevent the impulse by proposing healthy cooking methods and Recipes based on foods you have on site in the fridge. It's not a secret that most children know their way around the intelligent gadgets that any adult, so it might be an easy way to communicate with them about the needs of the grocery store and keeping a Trace of their sugar intake through notes on the touch screen.

Fortunately, this price labeling of $ 6,000 of $ 6,000 of the Smart refrigerator has dropped since its great debut in 2016. You can now find it expected to Amazon for just over $ 2,000. Although it's always a madness, consider this ticket one way to reach the new year resolution of cleaning plan for you and your family!

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