The best brands of vegan cookies to buy

Nutritionists share how to choose the brands of healthier vegan cookies.

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Following a vegan diet comes withImmense health professionalsHe also comes with sacrifices. The most obvious? Abandon all dairy products. Sure you can replace the yogurt withAlternatives of yogurt without dairy products and exchange milk for the plant baseAlternatives of milk. But when it comes to desserts rich in butter ... Houston, we have a problem. To make the taste of vegan cookies likes their homologues rich in dairy products have traditionally been a struggle so far.

You are probably wondering if there are buying options for your cake (Er, your cookie) and eating it too. Fortunately, there are dozens of vegan cookie brands that make vegan desserts that represent their animal inspirations. With the help of dietician nutritionists, we have paired this list to choose the best of the best vegan cookies.

Are vegan cookies in good health?

If you have already wondered ifvegan Cookies are better for you than their non-vegan counterparts, there are important things to keep in mind.

"Vegan cookies are not necessarily healthier than regular cookies." Vegan "simply means that animal products are not in the cookie; the cookie could always be charged with sugar, saturated fat and calories, and can contain refined flours and contain fine flours and contain refined flours. and / or artificial ingredients, "says Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT and Tammy Lakatos Shanes, RDN, CDN, CFT,Nutritional twinsco-founders of theReboot of the 21-day body.

How to choose the best vegan cookies.

How is a sweet tooth to choose the healthiest vegetation cookie? We talked to dietician nutritionists to get their advice.

  • Less than 150 calories. "Each cookie should have less than 150 calories per serving," saysKeri Gans, RDN, nutritionist and author ofThe little change of change.
  • Less than 8 grams of sugar. "There are cookies that haveadded sugar and added sweeteners. There are other types of cookies that can be naturally sweet by the ingredients of the cookie (that is to say the sweetness of pies cherries), "says Amanda A. Kostro Miller, R & D, LDN, which serves on the Council advisory forSmart life. "To find" healthier "vegan cookies, strive to find a cookie product that has the least" added sugars "on the label of nutritional facts". The Gans recommends having less than eight grams of sugar added per serving.
  • Fiber search. If the cookie label says there is a fiber, it can indicate a healthier choice, says Kostro Miller.

The best vegan cookies you can buy.

However, you cookie, a good starting point will be these geniuses of vegan cookies that make the indulgeous goodie as nutritious as possible, since we usually work with flour, sweeteners and chocolate chips here. And who knows better healthy cookies-ish that experts who study and advise nutrition to make a living?

Below, the nutritionists weigh on the 10 best brands of absolute vegan cookies and three you should definitely avoid.

1. Have good baked cookies, chocolate chip

madegood chocolate chip cookies

These are made good Ahem, indeed. "These cookies are made with real biological ingredients such as oats, apples, bananas, spinach, carrots, broccoli, beets, tomatoes and shitke fungi," explains the twins of nutrition. "They come in packets controlled by a portion with 110 calories, only six grams of sugar and nutrients of a portion of vegetables." Surprisingly, they taste glorious and are free from the eight main allergens: peanuts, tree nuts, dairy products, eggs, wheat and gluten, soy, sesame, fish and crustacean (we hope on the west forehead).

2. Cybele is free to eat oatmeal cookies

cybeles free to eat cookies

"These cookies have high quality ingredients, no artificial flavors and are" top 8 "without allergens, gluten free and vegan," explainsJodi Gebebel, MS, Founder RD ofCitrition Practical nutrition consultation. Greebel also loves these cookies because they have this taste "fresh baked", rare for many varieties of packed cookies.

3. Enjoy the chocolate chip of crisp cookies of life

enjoy life crunchy cookies chocolate chip
Courtesy to enjoy the life of food

"Many vegan cookies are made with walnut-based ingredients, but they are vegan and allergic, produced in major allergenic facilities," said Chelsey Amer, MS, RDN, CDN, NYC-based nutritionist and owner ofChelsey bitter nutrition and author ofProsper in 5. "In addition, they are even made with whole grains (like sorghum, brown rice and buckwheat flours)." For those who love a crunch in their cookies, you will certainly find these most attractive as many more coherent and milder varieties on the market.

4. Platago vegetal chocolate chip cookies

partake chocolate chip cookies
Courtesy of participation foods

"I like these cookies to be from the smallest, you can eat three for 140 calories," says Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, owner ofAmy Gorin Nutrition in the New York area. Stick to its simple tips to avoid cookies where the first enumerated ingredient is the sugar, it notes that the first ingredient of these delicious chocolate chip cookies is gluten-free flour, in this case, a mixture of cassava flour, of Saracen buckwheat flour and gluten. Free oatmeal.

5. Go Goodto Go SOFT BAR BARS

good to go soft baked bars

Although technically a "bar", these baked snacks gently reproduce the taste and texture of a cookie, just in a rectangular form. "We love that these are made with real ingredients like seeds of chia, raspberries and coconut and contain less than two grams of sugar per bar, which is rare to find, especially when it is not There is no artificial sweetener, "says the twins of the nutrition of this delicious dessert. "Each portion also contains 7 grams of fibers, which contains healthy intestine prebiotic fibers. They are made with mainly biological ingredients, are non-GMO and gluten-free and without peanuts, so they are perfect for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivities and those with peanut allergies. "

6. Trader Joe's SnickerDoodles SnickerDoods

trader joes soft baked snickerdoodles

You do not have to say twice to charge our trolleys with these treats the next time we areJoe's Trader. Or, if you really feel intense to store, order them on Amazon. Greebel is a fan of these cookies to be very adherent to allergy (they do not have wheat, milk, peanuts, trees, eggs or soy) and say they have good To have by hand if you have children for the game game of options, since they work for so many child regimes.

7. Enjoy the sweet bakery cookies of life

enjoy life soft baked cookies

Once again revealing their penchant for sweet and soft treats, the twins Nutritional explain why they love these cookies so that: "We love this unlike most cookies made from refined white flour, these are cookies from a mixture of whole grain flour, including sorghum, brown rice and buckwheat. "Non-GMO cookies have 120 calories and 10 grams of sugar per serving-two entire cookies.

8. Alyssa Gluten Free Vegan Cookies

alyssas healthy vegan bites

"These cookies are only 90 calories by portions with two cookies, have eight grams of healthy cardiac fibers, which is extremely rare for a biscuit and only two grams of sugar that come from uncooked fruits of sugar", has declared Gans. But what does she play on these tasty pieces the most? They have absolutely wonderful taste.

9. Coconut cookies of the vegan lawyer of Steve and Andy

steve and andys coconut oatmeal cookies

"It's a great option for vegans who also want to look at their sugar and calorie consumption," said Kostro Miller. "Steve and Andy's cookie has only 70 calories by biscuit and only four grams of added sugar." If you want to make glare on two cookies, it means that you are still playing under the suggestions of Kosto Miller to keep treats at less than 200 calories a day. It should also be noted: "It has a gram of fiber per serving, which is not significant, but the Americans generally do not receive half of the recommendations of daily fibers, so that you can get one gram from this cookie." Better than Zilch, friends. P.S. Looking to increase your fiber consumption? To verify43 fiber-rich foods for healthy diet.

10. Sweet Loren cookie dough

sweet lorens cookie dough
Courtesy of Sweet Loren's

"I am a fan of the admirably vegan cookie dough of Sweet Loren's allergy, break and cook," says bitter. "The list of entire ingredients of food ingredients make it a choice of autonomous allergy." Whether you are gluten-free, based on plants, without nuts or none of these chances, these cookies prove a welcome to the life of a dessert lover.

The 3 worst brands of vegan cookies.

When it comes to bad choices of cookies, RDS are unanimous: avoid a lot of added sugar, high sodium numbers and artificial ingredients.

1. OREO cookies

oreos classic
Graceful of Oreo

We hate yourself to break it, but while the oreo biscuits are vegan, they are not exactly a boon for your health. Yes, this can be vegan, but one serving or three cookies at 160 calories and contains 15 grams of sugar "no surprise, given the first ingredient is the sugar" said Gorin. It is also done withFructose-rich corn syrup, artificial flavor and attractive appeal of "canola and / or palm oil". There are even more non-nutritive news: "You do not get protein or fiber nor in this cookie."

2. Butter notor

nutter butter
Courtesy of the butter noweur

Say no thanks to the butter Nutter, dear readers. "These cookies are loaded with unwanted ingredients. They have corn syrup, hydrogenated oils (unhealthy fats), artificial flavors ..." Greebel said. In addition to sugar overload, Greebel's comments that these cookies are also very high in sodium and fat, especially unhealthy fats.

3. The complete cookie of Len & Larry

lenny and larrys cookies

Your tourist will want to take a pass and energy levels to start-talk about a sugar accident. "Each cookie has 420 calories and 19 grams of added sugar. It's more calories than many small women should have any meals and almost the maximum added sugar that a woman should have daily and more than half of the sugar Maximum added that a man should have every day, "says the nutritional twins." Since the first ingredient is wheat flour (refined and transformed white flour that starts from wheat), get a full meal Calories of refined flour and sugar is not a good idea. "

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