5 tips for wearing a mask in a restaurant

Some say that eating and masking do not eat, here's what experts recommend.

The summer heat increases and making it seem almost impossible to comfortably wear a facial mask, but this piece of EPI is there to stay. Although jogging, cycling and other forms of exercise may seem particularly difficult to perform with a mask, many of us are wondering what to eat in restaurants will take place while masks are mandatory.

Do you keep it throughout the time? Cut yourself on the side while you take a bite? Ask yourself a straw so that you can slide under the mask and enjoy your drink? While we are still seeing if restaurants offer their own best practices around Mask-wearing, here are some basic guidelines that you can follow to be a responsible citizen.Subscribe to our newsletterTo get the latest news from the food and restaurant delivered directly in your inbox.


Carry a mask

entering restaurant

. . . Or you can not be allowed to enter! It is true, governors of certain states, asnew York andColorado, have published executive orders that allow companies to divert customers if they do not wear face masks. So, if you want to make sure you find a table in a restaurant in the first place, a facial mask is equivalent to a secret password that will take you to the door (like shoes and shirts before).


When food comes, take your mask

girl in yellow sweater eating pizza at restaurant

The experts agree to grant your mask and put it back between the bites would be counterproductive to its effectiveness.According to Durland Fish, PhD, Emeritus Epidemiology Professor at Yale Public Health School, so much constant noise with your mask could actually increase the risk of spreading the coronavirus of your mask to your hands (then disseminate). Whatever the reasoning, you can enjoy your food as a rare respite of the mask port. Here are some moreErrors you can do with your mask.


Remove your mask safely

remove mask

TORemove your mask safelyThe experts recommend handling the straps instead of grasping the fabric that covers your real face. The front of your mask is probably the most contaminated part, whether it's your own respiratory droplets or the environment, then touching the fabric poses another risk of cross-contamination.


Bring a bag for your mask

Waiter with protective medical mask and gloves serving guest with coffee at an outdoor bar café or restaurant new normal concept reopening after quarantine

When you remove your mask to eat at the restaurant, do not just throw it in the depths of your purse, or even worse, place it on the table. It is better to bring a clean and breathable container for your mask, like a paper bag, so that any moisture that remains on it has time to dry. In this way, you prevent the growth of any mold or fungus on your mask. Some restaurants will provide you with a bag, but it's always safer to bring your own just in case they do not do it.


Put the mask right after eating

couple with protective medical mask having coffee break in a restaurant, new normal coronavirus concept

Your friendly expectation could provide guidelines to their favorite label of the mask. But it's a sure bet that once you have finished eating, your mask should come back to your face, especially before the server comes to erase your plates and bring you the check.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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